Family and Friends Forum

Having a bad day

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Hello Ladies and gents hope we are all well through this difficult time with the covid and then our shitty situations we find ourselves in.

Unfortunatly i am struggling today. I returned to work yesterday after 12 weeks sick it wasnt too bad most people ignored me which is difficult as i work in a cash office supermarket so have to work with the check out team leaders.

However today was horrendous.....I got constant dirty looks, spoken to with distaine you would of though i was a lump of shit on the floor or i was literally invisable all from my former wonderful collegues. In the end i sat in my office crying until i had finished my work and my manager sent me home.

(there were 2 nice collegues who spoke to me)

It has also come to my attendtion that it has gone viral on facebook that i am back at work and that i am a vile person because i am choosing to stay with my partner and that everyone should boycot where i work.

I just feel such a mix of emotions as I am sad, hurt, anxious frustrated because i have no voice in all this because no matter what i say or how i say it it will get turned around,misinterpreted and thrown back in my face. These people are as loud as they are ignorante.

What makes me laugh is that the person that is spreading this has her facebook page setting all open for everyone to see.....complete strangers can see her 6 children who are still babies playing semi naked but she isnt protecting them is she. people can be copying those inicent photos and spreading them.

Not sure if i have thick enough skin to work there but i dont think i could start a freash somewhere else and have the fear of someone finding out of my situation.

Well thats my mind explosion over with.

Hope everyone esle is having a better time than me right now.

stay stong people we are in this together in more ways than one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 3:55pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Hi Ren

sorry to hear your having a bad day, it seems for me one step forward and one step back hopefully times a healer they say. Glad to hear your back at work but it seems your colleagues are being awful to you when they should be supportive, its also nobodys business but yours wether you choose to stay with your partner or not, is there a personal manager or union rep who you can talk to in confidence?

I too work in a supermarket and the colleagues that have found out so far about my ex partner's grooming case and sentencing have been supportive and understanding, they have also sworn not to spread gossip.

His picture was released online for the 1st time yesterday a week after the local paper had posted a damning court report on his sentencing going into all the details. I’ve since been told by his family vile comments have been posted on Facebook today, also where his mum n dad live

( he lived there before we met) my address was printed online in the report. I feel anxious about going to work and everybody finding out.

I also still care for him and in a way still love and miss him every day, to me he's not the monster portrayed in the press, i don’t want him or his family to come to any harm.

Your company should be supportive of you they have a duty of care for your wellbeing, also if some stupid ignoramous women is ranting online about you and boycotting the company they should be looking into this too.

Take care x

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 5:53pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

I do have support but it's hard in this difficult time as she has her own family to worry about and I dont want to add to her stress. The hubby is a great support but he was the one who caused this so it's hard sometimes.

I appreciate your kind words and take strength from them. Hope you are not finding things too hard. Xxxxxx

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 5:57pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Ren that sounds so tough. Flossie is right, your employers have a duty of care. You did nothing wrong and should not be made to suffer by narrow minded people.

I made the stupid mistake today of going on line searching for information on vigilantes. My husband was ‘stung’ last summer. I found that these horrid people are now, in the absence of new stings, uploading old sting videos of people not yet charged, just to remind the stupid followers of their how amazing and clever they are to trap vulnerable people. I’m terrified all over again. I was thinking I was old news. But no, they are trawling back 2 years. When will this be stopped? I also feel that the police really drag their heels. There seems to be no urgency in sorting these cases. The families suffer so much.

So, I’m not coping well either today with it all, being alone in lockdown, with a poorly husband, physically and mentally, many miles away. At least no-one can see me crying. Thank you all on this forum. I couldn’t cope without it. x

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 6:07pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Thank you ladies for your support and kind words. My manager has be Brill the past 2 days, it's just staff on the shop floor. Hopefully itll all blow over and they will get used to me being back.

My hubby is going to contact our ppu officer to see if he can give any advice about the lady in Facebook. As I am innocent it is slander and I do feel that the police could say something to her.

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 7:36pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

thanks lee,

I will ask his family if there are any threatening posts, and get them to report it to Facebook, I'm not on there at the moment and I never wanna go back on. Now we've joined this club no one wants to join we see the worst of social media.

Facebook and other sites need to keep an eye on threatening posts and delete them.

Posted Sat April 18, 2020 10:50pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

These people have nothing better to do with their lives.

I mean what qualifies them do this in the first place. The police dont go shooting videos of arrests, them taunting, bullying and showing aggression towards the "so called nonce". I watched one vidoe of the vigilanties and i felt sorry for the guy he clearly had some sort social/developmental issuse bet the had no qualifactions on how to handle the situation. Do they post the videos first then report to the police or the other way round? I'd love them to get it wrong and someone sue them.

I cant speak for others but the police have been very respectful towards myself and hubby throughout this whole experience. The olny problem i found was the timescale.

Even when our neigbours cantacted them about the video camera we installed they were super cool with us.

Hope everyone is good xxx

And thanks again for the words of encouragement xxxx

Posted Sun April 19, 2020 6:14pmReport post

Quick exit