Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2020

1 post

Hi my husband was taken away last Tuesday, now I'm numb, week, shocked confused

I also have a 6 year old in my life, I just can't deal, I thought he was gay and had issues with how I look since I had an op that went wrong. , I have mental health issues and have done since my daughter was 6 month old cos I was told it was me that the issues. Now I don't have someone telling me it my drugs that need changing and it was me who had the issues.

I fell like I'm the criminal that I'm the dirty person I'm so angry and I can't cry Infront of my daughter who's a daddy's girl and ask all the time where he is, I feel like my hole 11 years I've been lied to and cheated, he kepted me as a secret and I just can't even face the outside, I know I sat here when they spoke to me, cos over a year ago he was being horrible and I just wanted him to go,and he wouldn't not unless he had our daughter, it sunk in Saturday when I was gutting his bedroom and just wanted to burn it all, I feel like I'm cracking up all the time.

If he got covid-19 before all this he would of does a hero, not know my marriage was just to keep him happy, I'm so upset my head hurts I'm feel so sick as he knew my mumentally abused me as a child and to how she use to do it, he started doing the same but saying it my head not him.

Posted Mon April 20, 2020 6:05pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Hi sweetie, first thing first , take time for you.This is not you fault. On here there are a wise range of ladies and we are all going through this nightmare but at different stages.No one judges but all listen.Have you phoned the LF help line they are great and will be able to help. Please tapk to them.Hugs sweetie xx

Posted Mon April 20, 2020 6:30pmReport post

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