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Having Kids, So Many Questions...

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Crazy & Confused

Member since
April 2020

22 posts


I don't know if I'm asking in he right place, or if anyone can shed any light, but I have a lot of 'what ifs' and I just need some clarity, or to see your own experiences.

We are now a month since the knock, and I've done so much tossing and turning. I left him, but now feel like I might have acted in haste. But I'll stick with where I am as I need answers before I decide my next steps, and I'm not going to have them all for month and months.

One of my major deciding factors is what happens if we have kids? He is looking at 1-3 years on SOR and a caution or community service. I have no idea if he will be put on a SHPO. We are also in Scotland so I don't know if that makes a difference.

I know that we would need to let the health worker know that he is on SOR, but does that mean my child will be born under SS protectiin or watch? And would this only be the case for when he is on SOR or would it carry on after his time on that is done? How heavy is the involvement? Does an SHPO affect this too?

Any help/experience will help. I planned on spending my life with this man, and although to people out with this forum, it should be easy for me to up and go, it use simply isn't. But these points are important in my decision. I know the lawyer will shine more light, but goodness knows when we will meet him, as the reading date has been changed to July due to Covid.

Thanks! Xx

Posted Sat April 25, 2020 10:27pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Hi I'm so sorry what has happened to you. I think we have a knee jerk reaction when the knock happens. I understand that if you had children in the future you would need to inform SS if he is on the SOR. It certainly was the case when I was working in a field associated with this and cannot foresee if will have changed.

Can I ask how you sourced a criminal defence lawyer please? We googled it, and everyone came up, I would love a word of mouth referral, but where do you start asking, so embarrassing. I also have friends working at some solicitors offices and as tempted as I am to ask who is the best one, I can't bring myself too. Sending love

Posted Sun April 26, 2020 8:48amReport post


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Hi I'm so sorry what has happened to you. I think we have a knee jerk reaction when the knock happens. I understand that if you had children in the future you would need to inform SS if he is on the SOR. It certainly was the case when I was working in a field associated with this and cannot foresee if will have changed.

Can I ask how you sourced a criminal defence lawyer please? We googled it, and everyone came up, I would love a word of mouth referral, but where do you start asking, so embarrassing. I also have friends working at some solicitors offices and as tempted as I am to ask who is the best one, I can't bring myself too. Sending love

Posted Sun April 26, 2020 8:49amReport post

Crazy & Confused

Member since
April 2020

22 posts

Hi Luxy,

Thank you for letting me know. The whole thing just daunts me so much! He was given the details of the lawyer from the police, he's a lawyer who regularly deals with this kind of thing. Unsure if he will change his lawyer but looks unlikely.

Sorry I can't be of more help! X

Posted Sun April 26, 2020 9:29amReport post


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Thank you we were advised not to keep the duty lawyer even by the police as they don't tend to specialise, just advise no comment, and we haven't heard from them since. I just want to get someone who has handled these cases. Thank you for reply both and best of luck moving forward

Posted Sun April 26, 2020 1:16pmReport post

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