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Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed April 29, 2020 12:37pmReport post

Hi, I’ve been reading on here for a while but never had the guts to write my own, I feel like I carnt talk to anyone or get the help and answers I need but at least I know I’m not the only one going through this it’s honestly the worst pain but even more so frustrating because there is nothing you can u it’s totally mind blowing and out of our control. But here’s my story over 2 months ago I found some very disturbing images on my husbands phone, some were of indecent images of children from the Internet but also he had made images by putting peoples (i know) heads on naked body’s , He is now under investigation. He said he was looking for answers , was confused and lost I know he has had a bad childhood as was physically abused by his step father and was suffering from depressions and had recently lost his grandfather. He recently told me he was sexually abused at a young age and had never told anyone until now. It seems like the pictures had to be a sexual attraction to keep them and continue to do it, If it did stem from a porn addiction. Or do you hear of people doing it not for that reason but simply to get satisfaction out of collecting them knowing it rong it becomes an addiction? Or was he looking for answers making other the victim and not him and seeing why he got abused ? Will I ever know the real reasons? Maybe I am in denial and don’t want to believe it is the way it looks as I love him and we’ve been together a long time but We also have a 8 month old baby and he hasn’t saw him and expecially with lock down it has been hard I dunno what to do I’m torn. I don’t want to keep him from him but then I want the best for him. I also worry about the furture and if it gets out. My world has been turned upside down and feeling a mix of emotions contantly researching looking for answers why he would do this and ruin our life’s. thank you


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Wed April 29, 2020 1:41pmReport post

So sorry to hear about your situation. There are many variables as to why people offend and not all two are the same. My partner had low self-esteem and would find gratification in cat fishing (pretending to be someone else online). He found he got more attention if pretending to be young and would chat to young people or older to boost his self esteem. He also got hooked on making a collection of indecent photos and videos (not all children, some animals etc). I think it came from a sick sense of curiosity...). My partner has not disclosed whether he was abused in the past. He says he isn't attracted to kids and he got lost in a fantasy online.

You may find examples of why others have offended but to know why your husband did you will need to hear from him. Lucy faithful can help get him therapy to work through the why and then go onto rehabilitation. Hopefully in time he will open up to you, but ATM he may not have a good grasp as to why he started and continued.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed April 29, 2020 5:06pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz15, thank you very much for your reply. It has really helped and especially to hear your situation, do you mind me asking did you stay with your partner? and did you go to any therapy sessions together? When I confronted him he didn’t know why or what to say, I do want to believe him and understand he must have some mental disorder (variety of problems) and needs to be treated and helped but in the back of my mind I just keep thinking it must of been sexual but even worse because he’s done it to people he shouldn’t of but most of all I don’t want to believe he is sexually attracted to children. He was so good with children and so protective especially now I know he got abused I understand why he was that way. I do believe it was out of control and would of only got worse I don’t believe he would ever harm a child.

Would a therapist/councillor be able prove the reasons why and answers or is it just like a suggestions why. Carnt help but wanting to know why. I feel torn on what to do for the best. x


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed April 29, 2020 7:48pmReport post

Hu why this, so sorry your are joining this group but you will get nothing but support. My hb was arrested in March and bloody hell what a shocker. And am still struggling to understand. I am staying with my hb but he knows that i can leave at any min the reason i am staying is because of his honesty. My hb has been arrested for IIOC 4 at the moment all cats . He has a porn addictuon and through talking and working with stop it now and LF he is beginning to understand it was the chase he liked more than the porn its self athats as far as he has gotten , he is not attracted to teenagers/ children but loved the chase and needed more out of bounds stuff to get the thrill of porn as he has been looking at porn since he was 9 so always been a part of his life. He still does not understand why he went over that line but we are new to this so lots more work togo. But he has been honest with me since the knock and me and our chuldren ( all adults) are supporting him as he is a great father and husband so as far as we are concerned he has earned his second chance. But my children are grown and left home so a lor easer for us. Good luck sweetie and hugsxxx


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Wed April 29, 2020 10:29pmReport post

Hi TotallyHeartBroken , thank you so much for your reply it’s honestly so helpful to hear from others going through the same thing and it’s still Very raw for you too, I hope you can stay strong and get through this. It’s like a nightmare you just want to wake up from and go back to your normal life. You literally never think this kind of thing would ever happen to you. I want to believe my husband so bad but I feel like it’s way more the IIOC , he has not only betrayed me but he’s violated people I love in a very sick way. I first found some images (adults) he shouldn’t of had when my baby was 5 weeks old he’s now 8 month and I had gave him a second chance even tho I felt physically sick n tried to move on n brush it off. But the fact he continued to keep them and went and looked for more and couldn’t stop this addiction or get help then. I do think same as you getting the thrill from knowing how wrong it is and thinking he wouldn’t of got caught , he says I’m glad I found out, so I’m I. I think he is getting help from here and seeing a councillor, I just need someone to tell me why. And for my sons sake I’m just torn on the best thing to do for him. As much as I still love him & he was a good husband and father and would love my normal family back I don’t think it’s possible I’m never gonna get the images out of my head and my family would probably disown me and never trust him again. But I do feel like it could be more what we don’t understand that was going through there heads at the time but he was so against it I don’t understand don’t think I ever will. Take care, stay safe xx


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 3:50pmReport post

Hi Why this,

It’s been just over 2 months for me too. I’m sorry this has happened to you, and for the way you found out.

Part of me wants answers but part of me doesn’t want to go there at all. Our baby is due 13th June. It’s so incredibly sad and painful. I ended the relationship as I have a child who isn’t his and I know that I can’t live as a family with this person after a betrayal like this and the long term consequences his behaviour will have on me and my children.

I was in love with this man, and I still love him very much. I can’t forgive what he has done though. He has told me it started as a poem addiction and I know there has been abuse in his childhood.



Member since
February 2020

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Posted Thu April 30, 2020 3:52pmReport post

* porn- love how we can’t edit on this forum.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Thu April 30, 2020 4:27pmReport post

Hi Marie.D

Omg I’m soo sorry for you too, heart goes out to you with baby on the way! We do not deserve this, I feel the same as you I don’t think I could forgive and forget & the fact of the long term consequences not being able to be a normal father and having social services involved. I do feel that being abused as well as a porn addiction must have some kind of reason why but it is totally wrong and just why do it the first place? Especially when they have got everything to loose.

Are you cutting contact all together and not letting him be a father to your baby on the way?

With my baby I’m still torn on letting him have supervised visitation or to just not let him see him at all I think I might have to wait until the court date

Thank you so much for your reply, it’s helpful to talk to others in the same situation x


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 4:46pmReport post

No, we don’t deserve it.

I am in contact with my ex via the odd txt message and phone call. I havnt seen him since I found out, and I don’t think I want to.

I feel as though everything has been tainted by this sick thing, I don’t want what’s left of my pregnancy, the birth of my baby and the early days of being a new mum taken up with the stress and shame of social services involvement. I havnt decided yet if I will allow supervised contact. I would rather know what the charges are first ( what they find in his devices) the PO told me one cat D image but he has told me there is more and he had ‘conversations’ How can I believe a word he says? It’ll be at least 6 months before he’s charged apparently.

Feels like my life has gone from wonderful to something like hell.

At least we know though.

Hugs to you. X