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Hospital records

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Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 12:30amReport post


Just wondered if details about social services comes up on children's hospital records even if the case is closed.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 10:28pmReport post

Hi, I think this is one of the things we worry about in terms of the allegation/offence possibly popping up in the future.

it's really hard to say as depending on where you live and how your health trusts share information or how thier systems are linked. I know you wanted a straight answer. For example in the area I live all child health ie community records are held on computer which would have this information, such as any alerts or attendance at meetings or multiagency referrals have been made which in my area is where the police raise the initial safeguarding. This record will follow my children through thier whole life if they remain in this area and this system is always used. But if we turned up at a&e different nhs trust there would be no record of this involvement, they will ask are you open currently or if there is a concern they may ask if previously invoved. Remember you haven't done anything wrong xx hope that makes sense


Member since
February 2020

68 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 11:12pmReport post

I am not sure but i also wonder if this will be a case. My son is on child protection plan and we have been to various doctor/hospital appts and none of professional ask any questions or behaved strange.


Member since
April 2020

22 posts

Posted Fri May 1, 2020 5:41pmReport post

I dont think they all link up, there may be a marker but if your child is in CP then health will already provide reports for that so each individual person you see wouldn't need to mention it. It would also likely not give all details to every prof you see, just that you have SS involvement. I may be wrong but dara protection means that only the needed info should be available to those who need it. Clear as mud but hope that helps.


Member since
May 2020

21 posts

Posted Tue May 5, 2020 11:13pmReport post

Hey guys,

Im not sure how factually right this is but by my own experience, and as someone else has said some health care professionals share info this is depending on which health profession and where u live (I'm south of england). I believe being under a child protection order maybe be flagged with some health organisations but just being under ss is not. I've attended a few hospital appointments since the knock and I've been asked everytime if we have any involvement with ss as a standard question, in whichbibguess u can disclose anything. I'm not going to lie its horrid having to say yes and be asked why I feel like people look at u and ur children in a different light not hostile but it makes me feel inadequate and guilty even tho ive not committed the crime.



Member since
February 2020

68 posts

Posted Wed May 6, 2020 12:17amReport post

Hi Vicky

This sounds really awful. My son is on CPP and i remember that at the beginning of the process i have disclosed this to one professional. she didn't ask me this though but for god knows why i was thinking that SS would be in touch with all this professionals and i have to disclose this anyways that professionals kicked my husband out from that premises and made mu husband to sit in car and also she made me feel embrassed by asking all the questions about my husband offenses and what kind of mindset he had while he did offense and how el about his past etc. It was the horrible time and i don't think i will ever forget that appt.