Family and Friends Forum

Shocked and confused

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Member since
April 2020

2 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 9:10amReport post

It's still so raw and new. This morning the police came to my house to arrest my husband. I feel numb, I don't know how this has happened. I have to try and put on a brave face for my children but I just want to crumble. How do I live now? My whole life is over. I can't talk to anyone, he won't me coming back to the house because of our children. He'll be going to his mums house so I can't even talk to him to try and understand what has happened.
Please tell me it gets easier


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 10:44amReport post

You’re in shock right now, try not to think too much at this point and just focus on looking after your children. I’m 2 months in and yes it does get easier, I promise ( it doesn’t get easier but the initial shock and horror will fade and become bearable)

I barely ate it slept for 2 weeks after I found out ( my ex told me he had been arrested) what followed next was a blur of social services, police, having to tell my sons father etc etc.

Nothing will happen for several months. My ex will be waiting at least 6 minths befire his devises are checked and he is officially charged.

It is the most painful thing, I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Please call the Lucy faithful helpline. Get help where you can and keep coming here. You aren’t alone. There are many women here who can give you support.

Take care. X


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 10:49amReport post

Hi Shocked and condused. Sorry you have joined the group no one wants to join. Nothing is going to happen right away so take a deep breath. What havw they arrested him for ? Thats the first thing , second you can talk to him in the phone , try and communicate . I have no young children but lots in here do and will give you great advics on how the ss works. Phone the LF help line they will give you all the information you need to get through the next few days . You will go through so many emotions , let it happen , go to yiur GP they are very understanding. See if your hb will phone th LF help line .Hugs sweetie you will get nothing but support and advice here. Keep coming on this forum its a life saver. Xx


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 10:49amReport post

* sorry for typos I’m writing from my phone. I meant to say that it doesn’t get ‘easy’ but it does get easier once the shock subsides.

I am getting counselling from StopSO to try and come to terms with what has happened. I am due to give birth in 6 weeks ( my ex baby) I am trying to focus on this. You will find the strength to cope and can share how you feel on here as no one will judge you. We are all going through a similar thing. X


Member since
April 2020

2 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 11:55amReport post

He's been arrested for uploading an indecent picture of a girl. They said they have intelligence and know it's him that's done it. That's all they're telling me about it. I just want to hear it from him what's happened. They said even if they don't find it they know it's happened. I feel so shocked that he's done it, I can't get my head around it