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Phone call from the police

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Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Thu April 30, 2020 10:27amReport post

So the day has arrived, 1 year since the knock and the police have just rang to say the case will be referred to the CPS and he is going to be charged with 3 counts.

What now.... Please can someone get me out of this nightmare I don't want to be a part of.

MMata x



Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Fri May 1, 2020 9:57amReport post

Unfortunately I cant get you out of this nightmare sweetie.

As for the phone call we did even get that we had to chase them up about how the investigation was going. It's just another waiting game while they decide if there is enough evidence for it to go to court.

Stay strong and sending hugs xx


Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Fri May 1, 2020 10:25amReport post

Thank you Ren for your reply, he will be having a plea hearing in 4-6 weeks then depending on the situation with corona virus the trial will be via video link.

I just don't know where this is heading, what the outcome will be and that's what I'm finding hard to cope with.

The waiting is just the worse, ontop off the situation we are currently in, I do worry about my mental health....

Stay safe Mata


Member since
March 2020

14 posts

Posted Fri May 1, 2020 8:27pmReport post

My son was due in Magistrates court last Thursday. Solicitor contacted cps for evidence they couldn't find anything. Then rang court my son was not listed for any court in future. So contacted police resubmitted evidence to cps. It was cps who decided to charge him. He's been in a right state all week and now this. His mental state is really bad I'm frighten he may tip over. He's finding it difficult as every thing happened on an adult gay dating website. When the lad told my son he was 14 it was to late and my son carried on talking to him. He agreed to meet over a week latter to try and get the lad off his back. He knows it was wrong but didn't know how to get out off it. I am so frighten he'll go down because of his age and profession. It was released to press who sensationaled it out of all proportion. He so so frighten left his home and came to live with me. I have lived on this street for 45 years and fear for us all if this address is released to the press. I don't think I'll ever be happy again.