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Life changed forever

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Member since
May 2020

33 posts

Hello, i am currently on day 6 since the knock that destroyed my life as i knew it. I'm still shocked, betrayed, devastated. I'm trying to keep a normal routine as i have 2 small children who are missing their daddy, he is residing elsewhere due to bail conditions. We now have social services involved and my anxiety is through the roof, that I'm going to lose my job, partner used to care for them to cover some of my hours and consequentially the house. I can't bare to tell my family, due to the shame. I believe my partner was conversing online to minors, no photos were ever involved. No question to this, just wanted to express somewhere.

Posted Mon May 4, 2020 12:49pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

33 posts

Thank you for your reply. I still can't get my head around everything, and feel like i really can't look ahead more than one day at a time. Life is so unfair at times. I keep thinking, where will we be in a years tine etc. Who knows. How awful for you, at what should be such a special time. Congratulations on baby 5.

Posted Mon May 4, 2020 7:17pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Hi you are so right, i said to my hb if you had done an armed robbery then at least i would not be looking at eviction and tbh i would not be afraid of the shame and punishment this crime brings. I get so angry at the fact i knew nothing yet i am judged just as guilty. I was lucky with the police they where so nice but that pity look is a look i am getting used to. We have been lucky as the two close sets of friends and family have been great and supportive as has family we have told but the first question they have all asked is 'you didn't know. NO NO NO because if i did we would have had a different outcome. And as an ex teacher and child protection officer i feel i was in a better place than most but they don't put any of this in books they look at contact offences not addiction , porn or ICCOs . And as some one who has worked in secondary schools this needs togo out there because this problem is only growing . Sorry about the rant , it just makes me so fucking angry that my trust and love has been so abused by the person i trusted the most in the world. We had another argument well me shouting him crying and i said these emotions i feel are reserved for greaving. They hit my soul and knock me off my feet. Anyway hugs my superheros

Posted Tue May 5, 2020 12:11pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi lost123

I can completely relate to what you are going through as my husband didn't tell me about his past until we got married. Although he was on register so i find it out after few months in marriage. He is really a good husband so no matter what he do now to make it up for that but i will not trust him fully ever in my life.

Posted Tue May 5, 2020 5:32pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

I agree this is a good thing that i know about his past and also read all his police documents and I am very vigilant about everything. I am starting a safeguarding course soon so will be getting alot more knowledge about dealing with it.

II don't have any therapist to talk too but my son's healthvistor is really good and she always listen to me and helps me to deal with my emotions. I always feel very relaxed after talking to her. Also my MIL is really good so i can talk to her about anything. I am lucky to have support around me not sure what i would do otherwise in this stressful situation. It is almost 15 months since SS is involved in our life and my son is 10 months old now. I didn't get a single day to feel relaxed and enjoy family time. Although one coping strategy i learnt from my husband is to ignore negativity and find happiness in every single thing we have in our life. Whenever i feel sad i just look at my baby's face nd feel proud to be his mom and how lucky i am to have him.

Posted Tue May 5, 2020 11:05pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts


Lost123 can I ask if your work know about this? I find there are a lot of us who work with children x

Posted Wed May 6, 2020 8:57amReport post

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