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Advice needed on the process and prison

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May 2020

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So the knock came at the beginning of September 2019. Dad was arrested and questioned (to which he admitted viewing IIOC they seized 4 computers (hes kept every computer he has ever had out of fear of being discovered..he has been viewing for a very long time...20 odd years) the police said it could take some time whilst they looked over dad computers forensically at at the point of arrest the current waiting time in our area was 3 months which was incredibly fast as previously it had been 6 months to a year. Anyway because my head was going 10 to the dosen I phoned the police and told them about a friend my dad has that used to work on his computer for him and thay works for the government catching online offenders (I'm perplexed at how this friend could have "fixed " dads computer so many times without knowing what he was doing) anyway its now may and we have herd nothing. The waiting is excruciating for all of us whilst part of me feels the wait for him is part and parcel of his punishment he is really withdrawn anxious and scared and I worried about his wellbeing...he is still my dad and I cant bear to see him suffer. Where can I get him help? I have rung the police 3 times for updates and herd nothing back. Hiw long can this go on before they communicate anything...for years? Also I'm petrified he will go to prison and be targeted. Has this happened to anyone else?


Posted Tue May 5, 2020 11:56pmReport post

Ann P

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February 2020

169 posts

Hi vicky86 you have every right to ask the police for updates on your father's case. Unfortunately you may just get told that the devices are still being looked at, this happened in my husbands case, and from the first arrest to him actually being charged was 2 years 8 months. I don't know if this exceptional or because we live in a big city. The arresting officer really tried to be helpful and kept in contact but it was mostly to apologise for the delays. Because of the covid virus my husband still hasn't been sentenced, the date set for this will make it 3 years 1 month since the arrest. Like you, I found that long delay incredibly distressing. I hope you hear something soon, but you can only ask.

Posted Wed May 6, 2020 9:57amReport post


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

HI Vicky86

we had the knock onthe 13th of feb, i had a call on thursday to say all devces had been checked,so took about 7 weeks the poice told me it would take months, i suppose it depends what area you are, i'm in the midlands x

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 11:41pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

21 posts

Thanks for your reply Ann and jake.

Wow years that's enormous...if a custodial sentence is given do u think they take that into co consideration? We are hampshire down south so maybe it takes longer here?

In some ways I guess this is part of the punishment but it's very distressing just waiting. Maybe I'll give the police another ring.

Do any of u know how they sentence people. All I know is my dad had been doing it for 20 odd years and when asked said he had seen everything but I think he mainly was downloading and deleting the same set of images time and time again..does that make the number of images rise or because they r the same ones it stays a static number?

Amazing how many questions these situations leave u with eh!

Take care xx

Posted Tue May 12, 2020 11:18pmReport post


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October 2020

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Posted Mon November 2, 2020 5:59pm
Edited Sat August 24, 2024 10:39amReport post


Member since
October 2020

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We come under same police force as you. They took a tablet and returned it inside a week but his phone could take upto 7 months they said.

I must admit i looked at what was left on tablet, it was locked previously but not whe. It was returned. I went through his emails. He was not the man i thouht he was. I found some pictures of men and kids i didnt know but not illegal images. It makes my skin crawl. Police said it was clean but i think they should have sent it off.

Our area has a definite backlog of cases.

Posted Wed November 4, 2020 9:19pmReport post


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Posted Fri November 6, 2020 3:06pm
Edited Sat August 24, 2024 10:39amReport post


Member since
December 2019

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Blackhound it is interesting you mention homosexuality and hiding it. My partner is bisexual but wasn't open about it until after the arrest. He never told his ex wife. He would pose as young girls online to chat to older men, to get their attention...

Ofc the arrest has turned his life upside down, but one good thing I guess is that he is now more open and comfortable in his sexuality which I think will help with his rehabilitation. Hiding a key part of your identity can be distressing and can lead to people to taking destructive actions (drugs, booze, porn etc).

Posted Sat November 7, 2020 12:49amReport post


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October 2020

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Posted Sun November 8, 2020 10:03pm
Edited Sat August 24, 2024 10:38amReport post

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