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Phone and devices back

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Member since
April 2020

22 posts

Posted Thu May 7, 2020 5:40pmReport post

we are 3 weeks tomorrow since the knock and I've just had a phonecard from hubby who has his phone back from the police and has been told that there 8s only 1 device they are keeping and the others will be returned now. This seems fast but also I'm feeling optimistic that he has shared the truth since the knock. His bail remains until next week but just wondered if based on what they have and have not found so far could his bail conditions change meaning he could come home? He's bailed else where due to the kids and can't come here at the moment even when the kids are with their dad.


Member since
May 2020

21 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 4:32pmReport post


Wow 3 weeks is quick, from my experience we are 8months in from the knock (my dad) and although they took 4 computers but no phones or other devices. The police initally told me they had no reason to take my dads phone and that was good because phone forensics take longer than computers (something to do with the phone companys) i was also told time scales vary depending on resources in your area. anyway we still haven't even herd back from the police yet despite phoning 3 times for an update...I really hope the fact it's been so quick is a positive thing, I think this is part of the worst bit, all the uncertainty and the over thinking everything, why has his happened? Is it a good or bad sign? Me and my sister have said maybe the poljcevtakibg ages with my dad is a positive thing and it's not high priority or is it because its such a complex case? Could even be neither of thoses things lol! Also my dad was not bailed. I asked why and the police told me that when they bail someone the police are held accountable for how long and that's taken into consideration at sentencing ie if uve been on bail and turmoil for 3 mo this that may come ofnur sentence. But with dad they have released under investigation so to give them more time...again I'm not sure if that's good or bad. Hopefully the fact innur case everything has moved quick means etheu are dealing with charges quickly and although scary it mean hopefully u wont be in limbo for ages



Member since
April 2020

22 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 9:14pmReport post

I believe they had to bail him as they arrested him due to there being under 18s in the home. So they wouldn't have had the evidence yo charge straight away. That said they told me it would take months to complete the investigation so I'm hoping this is a good thing.


Member since
May 2020

21 posts

Posted Mon May 11, 2020 3:20pmReport post

The fact they are doing something has surely got to be positive. Maybe the devices have come back quicker but the Investigation will take longer, to be honest in my situation I dont feel the police have much of an idea when it come to time frames I think they just make up a generalised time scale, it's all so very personal to us because it's our lives but to them I dont think they really care.

Sending good vibes your way! Xx