Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2020

22 posts

Quick question fir those of you further along in the process. Hubby is currently on bail till next Thursday and he is not at home due to my kids living here age 11 and 17. He has admitted to having photos but he didn't go looking for them, his biggest downfall being instead of reporting them he deleted and then blocked the whole thing from memory. We now know he did this re some abuse in his teens and so this is how his brain deals with massive issues. He has his phone back and all bar one old phone are being returned to us. Obviously its unlikely it will all be sorted by next week I just wondered whether they may change bail to mean he can come home. As it stands he cant be at our address even if the kids are with their dad which I find strange given there is no restrictions in terms of contact with me so based on what has been found or not found so far, would it be usual for the police to change bail conditions when we reach the point where they need to extend it?

Posted Fri May 8, 2020 2:22pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hello, bail can be changed by the procurator fiscal if it is a reasonable change. It must be approved first. The reasoning he wont the allowed into the family home will be similar to what we had. My husband couldnt be at home for the safety of the children, not as he was a risk to him but for the risk of community backlash.

He was allowed home for a trial so to speak. The kids were at my parents. My husband was there for 1 hour. In that hour the police had numerous calls regarding safety of the street. There were threats made against me and even a physical altercation. Thankfully when all that took place a few days after his visit my kids were in bed. They didnt see or hear anything. It's not because he will be a risk to your children but that others can pose a risk x

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 1:39amReport post


Member since
April 2020

22 posts

nobody knows what has happened, no media and lockdown meant no one was about when he was arrested. Any risk in that sense is now shifted to where he is staying! And this would not explain the no contact bit. Its all a bit confusing.

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 9:22pmReport post

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