Family and Friends Forum

VE Day celebrations

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Fri May 8, 2020 6:30pmReport post

Spent the whole day in tears. The village having a street party, families and couples, but me here on my own, as usual during lock down. I’m not taking part, I can see from my window that people are NOT socially distancing. Makes me feel so isolated and alone. I’d LOVE to be close to my friends and family at the moment, but I can’t.

If I joined in, on my own, I could look left and right and see people who have shared and commented on husbands video....that hurt me more than him as he was not here. How to stick out like a sore thumb, might as well have a sign on my head!

My God, this is a hard life that we are left with, through no fault of our own. Why don’t people understand we’re hurting.

Sorry, just feel I need to share with others who understand . Hope you’ve all had a better day. X


Member since
March 2020

14 posts

Posted Fri May 8, 2020 8:22pmReport post

Hi Tabs, so sorry your feeling so low. I've yet to experience what you are going though. It's my son whose in trouble. He had to leave his village when the papers got hold of the story. Came to live with me. Now he's got a court date with my address on the papers. Though magistrates in another county the papers im sure will tell our local rag and he'll be back where he started. I'm going to get the brunt of it. Stay strong this lock now will end and you'll be reunited with your loved ones. It's ok to cry everyone on here will have cried buckets. Take care you are not alone we are here for each other.


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 8:43amReport post

Hi Tabs I feel your pain also. My street had a party, but I felt like a fraud so didn't go, as I was thinking wait until they know what's happened in my house, I was so upset all day, we are only a few weeks in, so no one knows anything yet, but the shame I feel is awful, I feel false chatting to them, as if they will hold it against me later, so I too stayed in alone . Sending love to you all


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 12:00pmReport post

So sorry you all had it tough too. It really helps to vent on here, to people that truly understand the many emotions and ups and downs. I'm teary again today. His family are still making life hard. I must just rise above it. I know the truth, and they know I know it too. Take care everybody. xxx