Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 7:57amReport post

So today is my 54th birthday, it's been a tough week working up to it and today I just can't bring myself to open any presents and cards although my lovely family and friends have made a huge effort!

It's the first year since this started in April so I know all the firsts are the hardest but goodness I do hope it is better next year!

So glad I have you guys to understand how I'm feeling - I hope he finds it as hard as me but I somehow doubt it!!!


Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 11:22am

Kitty katt18

Member since
November 2018

5 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 8:37amReport post

Hi Tracey

Just wanted to wish you a Happy 54th Birthday.

I know it may not be a happy or the best one but im wishing you all the best anyway, You deserve it.

All my love and best wishes,

KittyKatt xxx


Member since
September 2018

72 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 8:44amReport post

Happy birthday from me too. Yes, the first year is the hardest. I remember feeling dreadful on my birthday even though everyone had been so kind. It’s lonely and humiliating. However, this time next year things will be less raw and - I hope - you will have established what you want for your future and will have the confidence to go out and seek it. I think the best birthday present you can receive is permission to put yourself first (we women are very good at putting others ahead of ourselves) and not to feel guilty about that. You are strong and brave, and you’ve come through the worst. I hope you have a better time next year xx


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 9:57amReport post

A big happy birthday Tracey, pull those pants up and go and have a great day. You deserve it more than you know. It's a rather rubbish time we are all having but that shouldn't stop you from having a happy time every now and then and there's no better time than your birthday! x


Member since
September 2018

80 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 5:15pmReport post

Hi Tracey

my birthday was just a month after the knock so I can imagine how you are feeling. Thinking of you. Let us know how you are doing. We are here for you .

Love Paula xx


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 9:09pmReport post

Tracey happy birthday.

I know exactly how you feel my birthdy in october was 2 weeks after my 1st wedding anniversary and exactly 1 years since my wedding reception (we got married aboard).

I disabled my facebook wall and messenger and blocked all my friends on my phone for 48 hours so i wouldnt get any messages. The only person i accepted a card and present from was my daughter.

1st are really hard and unless youve had the knock you dont understand that


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri December 14, 2018 9:22pmReport post

Well I made it through, I kept really busy at work then spent the evening with my parents and one of my son's

It's certainly finished off better than it started!!

Thanks for all your messages

Much love xx


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

Posted Sat December 15, 2018 5:56amReport post

Hi Tracey - Happy Birthday and well done on getting through it. Hope you managed to find some joy in the day. Big hugs - as others have said firsts are difficult and the special occasions in our lives do highlight the awful situation we are all in. I just keep trying to focus on the positive things I have and hope that you will have found some positives yesterday. Xx


Member since
July 2019

1 post

Posted Thu July 11, 2019 10:55amReport post

Happy birthday, Tracey!

I think it happens to all of us. Guess you're just very tired and need to relax and recharge. Open a bottle of wine, turn on nice music (here I found many touching songs called "wedding", but to me they are just romantic songs that cheer me up), remember that life is a gift and enjoy the momet :)


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Posted Thu July 11, 2019 4:26pmReport post

Tracey, happy belated birthday. I am glad the end of the day was better for you than the start. You deserve to enjoy your life, even around all this nightmare. Remember we didn't do anything wrong, so dont punish yourself.

There seems to be a few of us on here in our 50's, not easy thinking of starting a new life when you thought you were settled.

I wish you all the best for your 54th year. May it be happier and healthy and that you will find peace and joy for your future, whatever that holds for you.



Member since
October 2024

1 post

Posted Sat October 5, 2024 5:36pmReport post

It’s completely okay to feel that way, especially after a tough week. Sometimes we just need a moment to catch up with our emotions. Your loved ones will understand. Take your time. U got it!

Edited by moderator Fri November 29, 2024 10:26am