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Member since
April 2020

12 posts

Posted Fri May 8, 2020 9:52pmReport post

Tried to post a couple of times to explain why I have a different perspective another side to this the Men we loved, love, the ones that destroyed us are destroying us the men at at one time held us up but now brake us on the rocks. When I was young I self harmed anything from cutting to making myself sick and it's back. I did it because I had no one to talk to. I didn't want to because it would destroy what family I had left yet again strangers are not people I confide in because a stranger broke me before and I was told I could trust them. What am I if not a monster myself because I see in his eyes the one I finally trusted and gave my broken self to now hurt myself because I know it brings him pain. I am utterly lost and sorry to post this to you all I currently look down on myself broken because I finally stopped falling I hit the rocks. Off chest but my life would make one hell of a book at this point xxxx


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 1:30amReport post

Fallen, I too am a self harmer( first received help in 2001)so I feel your pain. I have gotten through 6 months without it. For me that is a victory. It's ok not to be ok. Honestly. Sometimes life is hard, to be quite blunt it can be utter shite. The world goes on and we are just scraping through another day. I'm on mumsnet as BlueSally. Please message me at anytime. I have gone through 5 and a half years of being married to an RSO with mental health issues as well as having my own health and mental health problems. Each day my love, take it as it comes. X

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 9:27amReport post

Fallen 33 I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so low, I hope you're checking back here and reading these messages of support. Anyone who is in our situation will recognise those feelings of desperation and hopelessness. To say this is an emotional roller coaster is wrong for me, because there are no highs, just a great many lows and if you're lucky bits in between where you just get by. It's so stupid but a quote from a Tom Hanks film has gone through my head so many times, it's from Castaway about the man stuck on the desert island who finally gets home to find his old life is gone. It was something like

And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing. Because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide might bring?

We're all castaways here, and some days all you can manage is to keep breathing. I felt your pain in that post. If you possibly can, reach out. Pick up the phone and talk to the Lucy Faithfull helpline, or the Samaritans. But get through today and know you have support here.


Member since
April 2020

12 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 10:48pmReport post

Just want to thank you all. I can never say we are all in the same boat we each have our own some have a small hole in the bottom of it some a big one however we all need to know how to swim. I am going to stay with him we are not married and don't have kids but all that he has done I still can't say I hate him he is both the person that broke me yet he is also the one that I want to put me back together. The last couple of days I have looked at the difference between loving someone and being in love with them is it better to be in love with the devil I now know i would never trust or be in love with another man sounds stupid when I write this.

I don't want to move

I don't want to start all over again with someone I could never fully trust

I don't want to see the pain in his eyes

I don't want him to think he can not touch me

all of you are amazing on this page you give honestly and hope good or bad.
