Family and Friends Forum

Rise above or report it?

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Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 8:44amReport post

Sooo on Saturday my ex brought me shopping round and because everyone in my street hates him now due to his crime they phoned the police and lied saying I had a child when I don't so the police came out to see and when I explained I don't have any children they were ok about it, however my neibours kids are out from 9am to 8/9pm at night playing in the street sharing bikes etc, I know this isn't allowed due to lockdown a part of me wants to report it as it's breaking the rules but don't know if I should rise above it?


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 12:14pmReport post

That is terrible that your neighbors are lying. They should be penalised for wasting police time. I personally would not report the kids being out because you don't want to get into neighborhood disputes. If you know when the kids are out I recommend only allowing your ex to come over when they are not around. That way it won't give the neighbors 'ammo' to kick off of they spot him. But keep records of all negative events and if police turn up again always show previous reports to demonstrate that the neighbors have in the past made up lies. I hope sooner rather than later it will calm down for you


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 12:39pmReport post

I know we shouldn't have to do this but we put up a camera in the front to protect ourselves from the neighbours. This was because of a few incidents that took place. What's even better is it has a microphone on it and I dont think the neighbours realise so we can hear everything they say as well as do. Its was £30 of amazon and we bought a cheap sd card to go I side. This way you have proof of what goes on. Xxx hope this helps xxx also you can report every little thing but ask for no further action to be taken you just want it documenting so that if this dont stop you have a trail of the harassment. Just just fill out an online form and they will call you can for further information. Xxx

Stay strong christine o dont think it would be as bad if we were not in lock down these people have nothing better to do. Xxxx


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 1:02pmReport post

I put a post on Facebook about people having kids out and my neibour then messaged me on Facebook saying I've had that "pedo" there etc then when I was leaving they had visitors so I can't win!! Feel like the whole world is against me at times folk make you feel like the guilty one


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 1:14pmReport post

If I was you I'd get rid of facebook or if you want it change all your setting so only true friends can see what you are posting and that people cant tag you in other posts.

I have had to deactivate my facebook because of backlash on social media. We had a neighbour arrested the other sunday as he assaulted my husband in the back garden. Another neighbour made it out the reason he was assaulted was because was looking at a child and put it all over facebook. People are just sheep they follow rather than finding out for themselves. By the way he wasnt he was in the kitchen washing and the neighbour started on me and he ran out to defend me which I got mad at him for because he wont let me have my say and defend myself.

All you have to remember is we have done nothing wrong and we have the big picture they dont.

We have to live our lives for ourselves not for others.

My husband has done a terrible thing the worst but I do not believe he is a bad person.


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 1:17pmReport post

I genuinely don't think I can get back with my ex as this is too much hassle it hurts a lot


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 2:05pmReport post

That is completely your decision sweetie if it's what you want.

I have been with my partner for 17 years and it wasnt going to walk away from that without finding everything out. We have spent time apart and I found it hard as we couldn't talk really about everything. He moved back in and it just felt right. We had separate bedrooms for a while and we still aren't as intimate as we used to be but that's don to the press posting his sentencing. I always said I didnt know what would happen if it went in the media but I hasnt changed how I feel. I just think some of the society's ideas on the law is backwards.

Have you thought about having a fresh start somewhere new? Has your ex been sentenced?


Member since
April 2020

190 posts

Posted Sat May 9, 2020 5:47pmReport post

He hasn't yet. Yeah I've tried explaining he'll need to move away but he won't listen and things won't ever be the same with me and his family


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Sun May 10, 2020 1:22amReport post

Delete Facebook, Twitter etc. You will only see negativity. As for neighbours, mine were the same. SSPCA, NSPCC and police were constantly phoned about me neglecting my kids, cats and even the goldfish ( I wish I was joking). They have to check everything is ok but after a few visits they make a phonecall instead. Those reporting should get charged for malicious calls but it apparently may stop real crime being reported. Bleurgh. X