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Member since
May 2020

5 posts


we had the knock 2 weeks ago and hubby is currently on bail pending investigation. His bail stipulates no unsupervised contact with under 16. We have a 23 month old so things are difficult but working ok (he is allowed to live at home).

today we had SS call. We were extremely honest with them and told them everything. I always thought honesty was the best policy. His mum is now saying we've done completely the wrong thing and we don't have to tell them anything and they will use it against us. Hubby is heartbroken. He already feels like he's lost everything and now may cause some severe reaction. Is this the case? He knows my biggest fear is losing our child.

what should we do??

Posted Tue May 12, 2020 9:54pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Hurt247

Sorry to see you have to deal with this. In my opinion you have done the right thing by being honest with SS. They will anyways get all information from Police so always be open and honest with them. If they catch you lying that will cause more harm.

Posted Tue May 12, 2020 10:01pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

I agree with the others in saying that it's so much better to be honest and open. However, like Lost, I have found that SS make their own decisions anyway no matter what you say. My problem has also been with the senior manager who has never met us and yet seems to make all the decisions and override the opinions of our SW. We are 4 weeks down the line and I've found SS involvement to be one of the worst things. It just seems a massive ticking the box exercise for them with very little flexibility.

Posted Wed May 13, 2020 9:21pmReport post

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