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May 2020

7 posts

Posted Thu May 14, 2020 9:45amReport post

in reference to the last post about psychiatry, since the knock 2 weeks ago today my husband has done everything he has been suggested, called the help line , the modules, reading the books, talked to us etc. he has also had a telephone consultation with a psychotherapist who said she was happy to take him on but advised him that she had had previous clients who had needed an evaluation for the courts and when she had disclosed info it had gone badly for them. she said that it was his choice wether to begin sessions now or wait to see if it goes to court and then start treatment. my guess would be that for it to go badly he would have to say that he's a physical danger to children, show no remorse or have some kind of personality disorder which I know is not the case. I'd be greatful for any thoughts or advice, he's desperate to get himself on track and it could take ages if we wait.x