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Young suspects

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Member since
May 2020

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Posted Sun May 17, 2020 7:35pmReport post

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Edited Fri June 26, 2020 3:35pm


Member since
May 2020

18 posts

Posted Sun May 17, 2020 9:58pmReport post

Hi lee1969. Thank you for the reply and the hugs. Yes he was interviewed but when asked he declined a solicitor because he said he will just tell them the truth. Which he claims he did. The investigaing officers said she would advocate for a NFA and someone would be around to drop his laptop off which they did a couple days later. And that is the last we've heard of it. Am I naive in thinking that they have dropped it and just haven't told us or is it possible that the case is still open but they havent gotten around to looking at it because he is considered low-priority. He has being going about his life normally since he was RUI'd so no conditions but i guess all i can do is hope that they don't care about him. To be exact it has been 32 months since the knock so almost 3 years. Surely if they were planning on doing anything with it it wouldve been done by now. Hugs and Kisses to u all. Been reading for a while but wasnt brave enough to write. you all seem so kind.


Member since
December 2019

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Posted Mon May 18, 2020 1:34pmReport post

It might be worth asking the local police what is recorded against your son's name (without saying why). If it was NFA it would be recorded somewhere but not sure how long on the system. For example, my friend was a twit in her early teens and accidentally set light to a palm tree in the town centre (messing about lighting leaves when the tree was very dry). She had arson on her record for I think three years. She won't need to ever disclose it now.

Also were the images of people he knew and given with consent? I ask because my step brother had trouble with the police for having pics of his ex gf who was over 16 but not 18. She reported him after their relationship went south. But he was also under 18 and he told the police she had the same from him. So both doing the blame game and each at fault. The police decided to drop it after they made my step brother delete the images and warned him to wait until he is 18 before making images and to over 18s.


Member since
May 2020

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Posted Mon May 18, 2020 11:00pmReport post

Hi majestictopaz15. Honeslty I don't remember the specific details but I'm almost certain it wasn't people he knew. Happened so long ago and most time i wake up and forget there was ever a knock but sometimes it just forces its way to the front of my mind. Honeslty I psyche myself up to do that sometimes and ask the local police but then the thought crosses my mind what if they have forgotten about it and me asking about it does more harm then good. I think if this goes on much longer than they can't possibly actually be investigating at least for this long so I hope and pray that it is just one of those things that were recorded but left alone. Almost 3 years and not a word. If there was something there surely they would've come back by now and done something? Anyway xoxo thank you for your suggestion.


Member since
April 2020

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Posted Mon June 15, 2020 9:38pmReport post

Hi son had only just turned 16 when we got the knock a few months back.I was totally mortified and still am.I honestly have no idea how things will proceed and I am praying above all that i can prevent him from going into adulthood with the same pattern of behaviour ,as he himself is still really a child xx The terrible realisation for me is that even at his young age it was no mistake with over 6000 images on his devices

As his mum I'm just doing my best to help him overcome this terrible addiction,and pray that he understands the terrible abuse behind every the hope,that it prevents him from continuing this behaviour in adulthood xx


Member since
May 2020

18 posts

Posted Tue June 16, 2020 11:57amReport post

Hi djmichelle

I'm so sorry you find yourself in this situation. Only 16 years old. That is so young. How are you? That's all I want to know Hunny. How are you? And how is your son? These aren't bad people. They are people who made a mistake and would definitely never do it again.

Stay strong x