Family and Friends Forum

Fed up of SS judgement

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Member since
November 2018

24 posts

Hi everyone, this afternoon the SW met with my husband for an introductory meeting and she's still not allowing him to speak to our children on the phone. He's waiting for a start date to do an 8 month sex offenders course. He's annoyed because it's a course they said he wasn't eligible for in prison. As the course is 8 months, will this mean our children can't see him to it's completed because before SS said as they hadn't see him in nearly two yrs then they have to do some prep with them first but if the course is 8 months, that's even more time they won't see their daddy? I was angry because the SW said to my husband that she can't believe that I never knew what he was doing. I knew nothing until the knock came so how can she judge me? SS have said two other things I have never said and put it in their assessment of me. How can I challenge what they've said?

Posted Mon December 17, 2018 6:59pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:13pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

You can challenge social services. My experience is they wont/cant delete any notes (in our case even when it is their error, which seems crazy to me), we asked for them to be added to detailing why these things were written. Im still awaiting a reply. You can formally make a complaint if you feel that strongly. You can also ask for a different social worker but i have no experience of this or of making a formal complaint. Is it worth seeking legal advice on the level of contact, maybe the stop it now helpline could give you some advice. The judgement from others is difficult to deal with, why would you have known, many things can go on in any relationship without the other person knowing. I wonder if social services say some things to see how you react. Its really not nice though is it. If he has to do the course for 8 months first then at least theres some light at the end of the tunnel for the kids. I can understand restricting access but no access must be very difficult for everyone. Are they allowed to write letters if not talj on the phone.

Posted Mon December 17, 2018 8:33pmReport post

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