Family and Friends Forum

No Further Action

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Member since
September 2019

100 posts

Posted Mon May 25, 2020 7:27amReport post

My ex partner has had the call from the police - nothing found on devices seized and no further action being taken.

For anyone familiar with my story you'll know that I chose to leave him at the start of March as the stress of what turned out to be a 9 month process got too much.

I'm glad he's okay and I'm relieved that he didn't do anything wrong but I am gutted about the future I should have had. Even now with NFA I don't think I can go back there.

But I figured a positive "NFA" post would help those of you who sat where I sat a few months ago.

Take care all. Xx


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon May 25, 2020 8:28amReport post

I am so pleased to hear of the NFA outcome. What a relief for you, and for him of course.

It makes my blood boil that you have had to endure 9 months of hell whilst the investigation proceeded and your relationship and future plans were ended due to the heavy handed actions of the they ever review their actions and the impact on the person, spouse, children, family, friends?

It highlights to me that these investigations need to be hurried along, and no arrests should be made until real evidence that can be used in court is actually found. If there had been children involved, their lives would have been severely impacted, and for what?

The costs of these cases, financially, but most importantly, emotionally, is huge. Arrests should not be made so lightly.

I wish you all the very best for your future. I truly hope you find some happiness and peace xx


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Mon May 25, 2020 8:46amReport post


I would just like to echo everything Tabs has said. I am pleased for you and your family but feel sad about the trauma you have been through totally unnecessarily.

I hope you now can find some peace and strength to start to rebuild your life in whatever form you decide upon. Thank you for posting on this forum. I have always found your posts helpful.