Family and Friends Forum

Dealing with the aftermath

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Member since
May 2020

13 posts

21 may my whole entire world was blown away. A knock at the door and my life has changed indefinitely. I was in total shock at what I was hearing and trying to process. My partner has been accessing viewing downloading and in a chat forum . It was all a subject I thought I'd never have to deal with. I'm really struggling emotionally physically and mentally. I dont know if I can get through this . I've cried so much my family are in total turmoil. I'm only into day 4

Posted Mon May 25, 2020 11:43pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

So sorry to hear Rana you have become part of the club no one wants to be part of. We are all here through no fault of our own and please remember you have done nothing wrong. Emotions will be all over the place for a while the early days are really hard my advice is to take 1 day at a time and make no knee jerk decisions about things. You don't say if you have children or not? Some of use have chosen to stay at this point some of us have left our partners/husbands neither is right or wrong it's what's best for you and we are here for each other and non judgemental. This process can take a long time so you just need to hang in there, it's the worst experuance if my life it has made me question everything I thought I ever knew. I am nearly a year waiting for an outcome of investigation my partner continues to Deny it. There are many ladies on here who know how you are feeling and many have a wealth of information you may need along the way. Someone else will be along soon I'm sure to put it better but thought I'd quickly reply as I know how awful the early days are. Sending love and hugs xx

Posted Tue May 26, 2020 6:11amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Rana, I am so sorry you find yourself here. Summer has given you some very wise advice. Nothing can have prepared you for this. I remember the sting emotions of the early days, the shock was like hearing of a sudden death. I often thought that it would have been easier to deal with had he died, others would have had compassion and there would have been the 'normal' process to follow. Take it very easy on yourself, try to rest and drink lots of water and try to eat something. It's not easy to even do those small things I Know. Have you got anyone that you can talk to? My husband was trppawd by vigilantes who kindly live streamed it, so an added horror to his arrest. I had no choice but to talk to people about it, and most people have been truly wonderful. Some have chosen to distance themselves, as they don't know what to think, the same as we don't.
Someone said to me that I needed to look after myself first before looking after him. And it's true. He is a adult and poor decisions got him into this mess. He lives a long distance away, initially for both our safety's sake, now I'm not sure if we will ever be together again. But I try to support him from afar....we have been married for over 30 years, and I would never ever have thought that this would happen to us.
This forum and the wonderful people on it is a life saver for me. We're here for you.


Posted Tue May 26, 2020 9:07amReport post


Member since
May 2020

7 posts

Rana, it's awful to be in our position, I'm certain that none of us could have guessed what was going to happen to our families. I'm only 4 weeks in, so it's still really new and painfull, one of the many new things i've learned is that there is support here for us, all of the advice is really supportive and from strong women who have all been in the same situatiion.

My husband wasn't arrested, he did a voluntery interview, gave the police his passwords etc. and now it's just wait and see! I have made him tell me everything, in all the details and as far as I can tell I believe his side, he does have various images in the computer but I can't tell how they'll be seen in the eyes of the law. Honestly it is so out of character for him, and he's pretty shocked by the reality of it all.

We are both talking to the stopit now counsellors and he is doing all he can to get help for himself and us. This early in for me I can't give any other advice but to talk to us here, talk to each other, speak to proffesionals and your GP, and hang on in there.

You aren't alone, much love x

Posted Tue May 26, 2020 4:51pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

13 posts

Thank you for all your kind words of support. We were childhood sweethearts split up after 12 years . Went on to be with other people he even married. We came back into each other's lives as he started to see our daughter then our son. They were both young adults. Our first grandchild arrived and he was amazing. Same with the 2nd. He loved them dearly. Hes got back injury issues which affected out intimacy. I work full time long hours. I felt we were growing apart slowly but always stuck together. We were making a nice small home for ourselves and planning a easier future as we got older. Then the knock happened. It was traumatic. He was arrested. I was stunned and falling to pieces. They all left and I was left in a house with the aftermath with a leaflet for helpful information. I have not stayed with him. Hes been bailed to his elderly mothers. His sister is a mess because he has also stripped her bank account of his elderly mother. He has caused absolute carnage for us all. Since that morning I've been told very little. I love him dearly but I've been shown another person that's what's difficult. I think hes admitted his full guilt and wants help. But he thinks we can just pick up were we left off. I can't. I dont think I'll ever get back from this. The hurt and betrayal is making me question everything. I'm still in shock.

Posted Tue May 26, 2020 11:24pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

13 posts

During everything I've never felt so alone. I've returned to work. Its helped . I can step away from this for a few hours. My children have been amazing. So have a few trusted friends. I had to talk I ead trying to shut everyone out. I'm literally broken in every way possible. Ice never felt such pain. I have been told it will go to court. He was my best friend my world but I wont ever be able to trust him again. As I said in my first post we split up for 13 years got back together. The first time was over his drinking and compulsive lies. 2nd time his internet activity and forum he was sharing his fantasies about. I'm actually still trying to process things . Day by day. I'm also seeing a gp for help. My anxiety is horrendous. I've cried so much its physically hurts.

Posted Tue May 26, 2020 11:34pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Hello girls I have just joined the forum sadly.

1 week ago today the police barged in and dropped a bomb on my life that my husband has been accessing indecent images and videos of children online.

I am broken. He is the perfect husband and dad to our 2 sons. He has supported me through thick and thin and I just cannot believe this of him. He has admitted guilt and is so so deeply ashsmed. He insists he is not sexually attracted to children and never had been and never looked at a real child in that way. He has been so depressed and in such a dark place he started looking at ordinary porn as an escape and it escalates from there. He is so deeply ashamed and disguisted in himself.

We have been together 20 years and I don't want to let go. I know I am so vulnerable right now but I am yearning for him, pining for him!! I am trying to tell myself that I cannot be with him after what he has done.

We are both going through hell right now and we should be there for eachother as we usually are.

Has anyone else gotten over this and moved forward together?


Posted Wed May 27, 2020 5:56pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Rainbowgirl80

My husband of 40+ years charged with viewing/sharing indecent images. 3 years post the knock. I've stayed just about. Got loads of help from Lucy Faithfull and StopSo. It's possible to stay but bloody hard.

Our children have more or less disowned him so life is pretty bleak for him. For me I couldn't leave my oldest and best friend in such a terrible state so I stayed.

Only you know what's best and in the early days the shock stops you from thinking straight so give it time.

Take care of yourself don't rush into any decisions and get support for yourself

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 7:37pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

13 posts

To one and all thanks for posting back. I'm still struggling to process everything. I've looked at our relationship and blamed myself. I work and was the one who did the providing. Due to his back problems he stayed at home and cared for his elderly mother. I tried getting him to open up to me when I noticed back nearly 2yrs ago a change in his mood. He became snappy critical physically would shown no affection just in the presence of others. I know feel I meant absolutely nothing to him I'm constantly looking for answers and blame myself. I knew he had an addiction to adult porn and we'd argued over it. He told me he was done with it all and wanted to concentrate on us. Then this happens. It's a week tomorrow 7am the nightmare knock. I'm a mess I can't deal with it . I've never felt pain like it. The crying has stopped only because it causes me pain to do anymore . I'm following advice from you wonderful people. I've managed 2 whole meals since and countless cups of coffee. Smoking gone through the roof but it helps when the shakes and paranoia creep in. So far I've managed to stave off anymore panic attacks. I still can't believe how many people have had to deal with this. I blame the internet for one . I feel such a failure in everything like I'm responsible for what hes done

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 8:38pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Hi Rana, sadly, all of us have gone through what you are now, I'm 5 weeks in and it does ease. It is like a bereavement, only as someone says, with no sympathy. Take time to grieve for what you had, the life you knew, but just looking after yourself and taking one day at a time is all you can do. This forum is incredible, we all understand every emotion, you can get different sides, mum, sister, daughter, wife and it helps to know you arnt alone. Which I know you feel right now. Life goes on and we are all here for each other .

Posted Thu May 28, 2020 9:42amReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Hi sweetie in no shape or form are you to blame . You have done nothing wrong. Thats the one thing i held on to when on the 4th March i watched my world crumble in to a pile of rubble in the matter of seconds. Never has one sentance course so much destruction and pain. Then within an hr my would had been destroyed and violated leaving only pain and chaos. But three mths down the line i have picked myself up and i am staying ( he knows that i can walk at anytime).I am staying because of the man i know he is and the remose and guilt he feels. also his actions ie asking for help , finding help in many forms and the police have been very honest qith me and feel he is no risk so i am hanging on by my finger tips at times but i am hanging on. This was my choice , no one else's . Although reading through i do not have any children at home so it is an easier path to walk. Hugs super women xx

Posted Thu May 28, 2020 8:07pmReport post


Member since
May 2020

13 posts

Well today was another bombshell dropped at my feet . On top of everything else now fraud. He has stripped his mothers bank account of literally thousands. His family are upset and angry. Want to know where its gone. I have no answers because it certainly wasn't into our home. So whilst on bail for his viewing of xxxx porn now this. I'm getting more deflated by the day. I see no hope in anything. The police cant tell me anything. I'm grieving like nothing I've ever felt. I love him dearly. But hes angry and now looking at me to blame. I had to retrieve from a family member my house key and car key today. All I could hear in the background was him shouting half the stuff in the house is mine and I want my personal belongings. I woke up next to him Thursday morning with the police in our bedroom. He was taken. I've not had the opportunity to speak to him. I really want to I love him so much but I know it's over between us. He sounded I total denial of what hes done. It's a side I hardly recognised. I've been told by my son hes a narcissist. He is now in custody and I probably will never get the chance to speak to him. I'm a total mess . My world blown to bits and now hes venting at me . All o did was truely love him and support him. I'm still at a loss as to why. Was loosening all this worth it? Did he ever actually love me ? I'm in so much pain its unbelievable. I want to scream out loud why ? What were you thinking? Why didn't he try and talk to me. Everything is a mess a total shit storm.

Posted Fri May 29, 2020 2:28amReport post


Member since
May 2020

13 posts

Hi everyone well 2 weeks tomorrow morning my world changed. The knock. My partner is currently on remand for fraud and this other stuff will follow. I'm struggling in every way possible. Worried about finances and a whole lot of other things. The tears still co.e especially at night when I realise I'm alone and hes not there. I'm taking day by day hour by hour. I've taken comfort of all of your kind replies. I'm saddened to say how many of you wonderful people are on here. I'm not sure how to message a few of you or do I just post? I'm particularly grateful for the advice of one individual who's somewhat further down the journey from me. I do now feel there is some hope and slowly things will ease. Your right it's like a bereavement . I do worry about him and still love him so so much but he's done alot of damage to so many family members. I'm waiting on sentencing which will be in the next few weeks. After that I really don't know. One day and thing at a time is my mantra at the moment. Take care all know that your not alone. Others are feeling the same pain

Posted Wed June 3, 2020 7:55pmReport post


Member since
November 2020

28 posts

Hello wow day one here and my world has been broken, my husband arrested I can't believe it the police taking things from my house I feel so sick. I found out from ring doorbell camera, called husband no answer phoned his work they told me he wasn't in police took him, I came home to undercover police outside my house, neighbors spying, to be told he was being investigated for incident images grade A-c. I work in a school myself I feel so vialated, I have a almost 18 yr son, the police have release him pending investigation, I haven't seen him he's with his mum, I've been told apparently he clicked a link a year ago and that was it, this doesn't sit right with me anyone help with that a link a year ago by mistake would that cause all this I can't get my head round

Posted Thu November 5, 2020 8:55pmReport post

Quick exit