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Member since
May 2020

1 post

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 6:15amReport post

Hi x It's almost a yr since the police arrested my partner/husband of 16 yrs for sending & receiving of indecent images to person or persons under the age of consent & arranging to meet up with person or persons.I can only describe these last months as living hell,the shame of having to now keep his secret,not understanding why I never realised what was going on.I trusted him with my 3 children,I trusted him and got married and had 2 more children with him.The worst part is I have been told by him that it's my fault.To see his 2 biological children suffering and knowing I cannot take it away from them is at times unbearable.

We are tho going to be making a fresh start,away from this house,the area where everything reminds us & I want to give my 2 children who still are at home with me,a fresh start.

Ex husband still hasn't been re interviewed,he currently lives with another family member and it's like we're the dirty little secret.No one knows what he's done apart from who he lives with,as far as anyone knows we have just separated.

I just find myself either tired or angry.


Member since
April 2020

55 posts

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 8:20amReport post

Hi Sam10572,I'm so sorry for the way you are feeling, I think the isolation and loneliness of this crime is the really hard part. Any other crime, we could talk to friends about but the shame of this and possible retribution, makes it impossible. I understand your hurt and anger, and cannot imagine what it has been like for you having to keep all this to yourself, move and look after the children. My only advice would be to start looking after yourself , it's not your fault, non of this is your fault. It's not much to help you, but I just wanted to reach out to you, we are all in this awful situation and taking one day at a time. Sending love to you and the children


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 10:44amReport post

Oh Sam sorry you are joining us . I am 3 mths down the line and its horrendous. But i had to say THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT IN ANY WAY and i would be telling Ss amd the police this cheek .Its his fault and fir him to try and blame any one else wrong. Move and start again with you lovely chuldren and make sure you take care of YOU. You have done no wrong. Cwtch sweetie xx

Edited by moderator Wed May 27, 2020 1:29pm


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 10:45amReport post

Sorry about the typos.xx


Member since
May 2020

19 posts

Posted Wed May 27, 2020 11:19amReport post

I have told my two closest friends and really believe I wouldn't be getting through this if I hadn't have, they have been amazing and allowed me to text them night or day. It's hard to not feel guilty by association but we are victims too and we need support! You shouldn't be ashamed to let friends know, they could be your support system through this terrible time x