Family and Friends Forum

Local Press Report includes LFF info

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Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Sat May 30, 2020 11:04amReport post

Hi All

Whilst checking the local on-line press yesterday I noticed a report on court proceedings about a case where a man in his 20's had a consensual relationship with a girl of 15. What pleased me about the report was firstly the judge commenting that it had taken 2 years for the case to reach court which he deemed too long and then mid-article there was a paragraph 'How to get help if you are a victim of child abuse' which focussed on the work of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation with everyone impacted by this behaviour. Also the tone of the report was much less salacious than usual. I guess this is down to the individual reporter because today there is another case reported with no mention of LFF and includes the usual diatribe against these so called 'monsters'.

It made me think that perhaps it should be enouraged as 'good practice' for sources of help to be included in such articles. On TV if there is a programme (fictional or otherwise) which touches upon a topic such as domestic violence or drug addiction there is often at the end some information about sources of support.

On the other subject of the time between arrest and court, I have not read about a case which has taken less than 2 years in my area. Timelines are lengthening which does nobody any good. I know that special units have been set up to make arrests relating to iioc etc where I live, but there are no additional resources to manage the process thereafter - what madness!

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Posted Sat May 30, 2020 9:26pmReport post

So agree about timescales, even pre covid19 it took 2 years 8 months before my husband got charged and it was one computer, one external drive and one phone. The stress it causes is immense and exhausting. With covid delay, it will be 3 years 6 days since the knock. I do feel we've both served a sentence already, so the thought of a custodial sentence after all this time is unbearable.

I know it's due to ever increasing offenders and lack of resources I know but there can't be many other public services where a 3 year wait is acceptable.


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Mon June 8, 2020 9:37amReport post

I can't add anything valuable to this thread except to endorse everything you've all said. How wonderful that even one journalist has 'got the message', Izzy.

We've been 6 months since the knock - and limboland is a hellish place to be stuck. My husband's stopso therapist reckons that 15months is the norm to wait in this area - and I know we're not prioritised as there are no children involved. My stomach flips when I think of what might happen - judgemental press, the possibility of having to move, loss of a lifetime of friends etc etc. And i've done nothing wrong!

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