Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi everyone

I just wondered if anyone in here has had the time it took to get to court mentioned and taken into account when sentencing?

my partner has been waiting for 2 years now, released under investigation with no word from the police. They do have quite a few devices of ours, I presume still to check!
He was caught by vigilantes and maybe this complicates things?

Our solicitor is very clear not to keep pressing the police for updates, as this does not speed anything up in his experience, so he hasn't.

Thanks in advance

Mabel x x

Posted Tue June 2, 2020 9:00amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Hi Mabel, we are heading for 10 months in. My husband was trapped by vigilantes ans live-streamed. His solicitors said case would take 4-9months in the area he was arrested (different to where he lived with me). I have been insisting on updates so he has pressed his solicitor to chase the officer in charge of the case. I must say, they keep finding nothing, but keep on going. No Indecent images, but some chats with felmales that they have to check out. They have now, only now, sent some more devices off to be checked. We know they are ok as they were solely work.
im sorry to say that I get the feeling that whilst they can only use the vigilante stuff as information, they are searching damn hard for evidence to support them. I really feel like they are using 'guilty until proven innocent' stance. These people are corrupt, they will do anything they can to get followers and likes and money. I have learnt that vigilantes make a lot of money for their past time.
my husband is horrified that he is accused of meeting a 13 year old. He maintains he was meeting a woman (still devastating for my marriage but not breaking the law). Now ether or not the decoy said her age I don't know. The video, which I watched twice, he looks trrrified, agrees with everything, including expressions and words which aren't things he'd usually use.
I need this quickly sorted, for my own sake. I think the solicitors would rather leave it, as it may help with a more lenient sentence if kept going for a long time? Not sure. Or they just want to make money? Mind you every time husband chases there is another big bill!
I don't know how you've managed to keep going for so long without some information. Hopefully they have found nothing?
I have zero faith now in police I'm afraid. My whole experience of them has been poor. I despair of our justice system.

take care Xxx

Posted Tue June 2, 2020 11:18amReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Anyone who's followed my posts will probably know we waited 2 years 8 months for charging and if court date finally goes ahead after covid19 cancellation it will be 3 years and one week since the knock.

Posted Tue June 2, 2020 8:59pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Hi ladies

Thanks for your replies.

I would think the courts must take into account how long it has taken, it really makes the court look ridiculous when handing out sentences!

i just wondered Ann if the time scale will be mentioned in your husbands case? Do you have a new court date?

wishing all of you the very best xx

Posted Wed June 3, 2020 7:36amReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

I find the timescales as a partner/person and as a mother who wants the best for my children are wholly unacceptable. How can someone have a ? Over their head for Soo long. Why is it acceptable for our families to be kept in a state of limbo for soo long. If my children's father is a possiable danger to his kids then why do we not know sooner. If he's not a risk as stated by police why so much restriction from ss. I really think these investigations need to have a time frame they are completed in to give family's and professionals clarity. There seems to be no one overseeing the vast time these cases are taking to outcome one way or another. the nhs has to see people within 4 hours in a&e otherwise they get fined surely the police must also be accountable.

These men are allowed to be released under investigation for years but as soon as they are sentenced boom they are the monsters of the earth etc if that's the case why's it taking them so long to work that out. Sorry just pissed off with this whole thing I want to move on one way or another the times its taking is a joke! What's worse is the police tell us yeah 3 months! Yeah right!

Posted Wed June 3, 2020 7:54pmReport post

Quick exit