Family and Friends Forum

Do they need a lawyer?

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Member since
May 2020

19 posts

Quick backstory, my Sons Dad was arrested two weeks ago for uploading indecent images of children. I spoke to him today for the first time since the arrest and was shocked to learn he didn't have a lawyer, or any plans of getting one. Is this normal? Or should he have one? The Police said the case is going to court in 5-6 weeks.

Posted Fri June 5, 2020 9:51pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

14 posts

Hi Jade133

Oh a definate YES he must get a solicitor who specialises in these offences. When my son got the knock he was in shock and refused a duty solicictor as he didnt think he'd need one. The police will run rings around him if he doesn't. If you dont have a lot of money i'm sure you can get legal aid. But please please get a solictor do yorur research there are good and bad.

Posted Fri June 5, 2020 10:29pmReport post

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