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Member since
June 2020

77 posts

Hey People unfortunately I'm new on here

But do the media and local newspapers report on all cases regarding IIOC has anyone had experience of where the media didn't report it or does It depend on the number of images and what cat they are

Thanks in advance

Posted Sat June 6, 2020 1:24amReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Hi Sam.

Unfortunately these crimes are quite prolific with regards to numbers that even if the media wanted to report all cases it isn't feasible. It is kinds like a bad luck draw. My partner was sentenced for two years suspended for two for viewing, making and distribution (the act of putting on a memory stick classes as distribution in his case). The media never reported it. He was dealt with by a large police force and courts was a busy city area. Also he moved away after the knock so he thinks local news to the location he was arrested were not interested to report coz typically they like to add an address (which I don't agree with).

There doesn't seem to be a formula as such of when for certain these cases go to the media. A threads in the forum discuss the possible factors that could influence if reporting occurs. Sorry that I cannot give you definitives bit overall not all cases are reported.

Posted Sat June 6, 2020 9:39amReport post

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