Family and Friends Forum

Supervision forever?

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Member since
May 2020

20 posts

Posted Tue June 9, 2020 1:56pmReport post

My husband is planning to plead guilty (no charges yet as it's still under investigation, but he says it was all online activity). What is the likelihood that he'll have to have supervised access until our daughter turns 18 (she's currently 6)? I'm a little afraid to ask SS. Does it all depend on the charges? On a risk assessment? it's been about 8 weeks since the knock and he's still at home. In fact, SS said they can't force him to leave but him remaining keeps the risk level up, at least until the police come back with charges or he tells them more about what he did (which his lawyer has told him not to right now).

I'm finding the idea of constant supervision on a long-term basis incredibly overwhelming and practically impossible. Surely we'd have to split up. But I saw that some posters' partners now live with them without supervision?


Member since
May 2020

20 posts

Posted Wed June 10, 2020 10:54amReport post

Thanks lost123. My husband spoke to his lawyer last night and the lawyer said that in the majority(?) of cases supervision ends during childhood, and that the intense scrutiny drops significantly after release from prison (if the offender goes to prison). That made me feel slightly better. Hope it helps you too.