Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Help. . What kind of defence does the person who had the images have when going to court.. 4 days in.. as a parent of an adult whos pleaded guilty... i am horrified.devastated.angry.upset. really dont know where to turn.who to talk to.. im drowning here .. HELP

Posted Fri December 21, 2018 9:48pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 10:08pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Sorry to hear that you are going through this too. Its a very difficult time especially in the beginning when you are still in shock by the news

When you men defence do you men as in representing them or as in what they say for why they did it?

If its representation my ex was appointed a solictor by the police when arrested who represented him in court.

As in reasons for why they do it i think its indivudal and the defence 1 person puts forwars is different to someone else. My ex pleaded guilty but when asked he would say he had a mental breakdown and doesnt remember that time period and didnt know why he did it.

But a guy i went to school with had learning difficulties and said that he hadnt realised that it was any different to the porn he had been watching.

I think its a very difficult question for anybody to answer but his legal representation should advise him on it.

Posted Fri December 21, 2018 10:59pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Thanks chrissy.. just in turmoil here.. dont condone this whatsoever..hes my son.. im not understanding anything that hes done.. omg.. our worst nightmare... on hearing stuff like this i always say .. omg god help his parents.. never ever dreaming id be one of them parents one day.. x

Posted Fri December 21, 2018 11:04pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

13 posts

Hi, i'm one of them parents, i only wish i could express how i feel, 3 years down the line, it was horrific is all i can say but we are still here, god knows how, but things and times do change, yes...others have their opinions, as usual, but i there are so many reasons why peole commit these crimes, i'm here with you, please keep on hsre xx

Posted Fri December 21, 2018 11:26pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Oh hazel.. arrrggghhhhh we dont know what to do.. cant beleive this has happend.. cops at the door 4 days ago.. held 24 hrs. Court nxt day.. court in 3 weeks time for trial.. altho guilty plea so......

Posted Fri December 21, 2018 11:48pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Court in 3 weeks! Thats a real quick turn around most seem to be bailed for months before court. We had the knock in march and he didnt go to court until august and sentenced in september.

Your emotions will be all over the place for a while and the first few weeks are really difficult with all the unknowns and thr shock of it all.

The hotline is really good to get some support and this forum. Everyone is supportive and theres no judgement.

Posted Sat December 22, 2018 9:41pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Krissie. I know .and im scared that this is so fast..we are not having time to deal or process this mess... why is it so fast?? Everyone else it seems to be several months..this is a matter of weeks... we know theres nothing we can do to help our son. . My fear is everything. If he gets jail he wont cope.. if he gets off with a caution it still doesnt go away.he wont cope.. he cudnt cope in a place on his own..he cant live with us.. just dont know what to do. X

Posted Sat December 22, 2018 10:03pmReport post


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September 2018

24 posts

Please don't think there is nothing you can do. My husband was spared a jail sentence only because of the measures he and family and friends took. (1) collect character references from friends and family - if the judge can hear from multiple sources that this is a good person who has done a totally uncharacteristic thing this will help so much. We had about 20 in the end. (2) get a psychologist report on him to show (hopefully) that he is at low risk of any re offence. (3) get a pre-sentence report (4) get him to attend your local Sex Addicts Anonymous group (4) find a therapist for him to go to to understand why he did this crazy stuff and how he's determined to never do it again (5) install home monitoring like Qustodio on any computer or phone which he has access to so that you can say you are helping provide a safe environment for him (6) get him to sign up for the Lucy Faithfull course and you can sign up for the one for partners and family - even if not all of this has happened by the time he goes for sentencing every bit of it will help. And get a good lawyer!!

I was willing to do all of this because I had a much loved husband of nearly 30 years who was desperately sorry and determined to put it right. You can help, you really can.

Good luck, my heart is with you

Posted Sun December 23, 2018 11:18amReport post


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Jess. His bail conditions say he cant go online.. so he cant sign upto any hep.. i wanted t shut down his internet stuff ie facebook twitter etc just so his profile isnt out thsre.his bail conditions state no shutting down.. its such a mess and theres so little time to do anything..especially with xmas.. everywhere is shut.. xx

Posted Sun December 23, 2018 1:19pmReport post

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