Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Posted Tue June 9, 2020 10:39pmReport post

For the one how know me: we are 1 year and 3 months into this. The knock came in April 2019. The police interview in October 2029. My husband admitted the crime. Two weeks ago ago he got the letter. Magistrate Couin August 3020. He has downloaded 71 images in Cat A. The rest in B and C. 2020 in total.
We don't know what he will get. Has anyone an idea?
I am so worried. We are in our 60 and I am disabled. I rely on my husband to do things for me. How will I ba able to manage alone. My children lives in a different country and I have no one here to help me.
Yes I disagree with what he had done. He has told me he did it out of curiosity. I am not sure I believe him but that doesn't change my need for support. What kind of support can I get if he go to jail? I am on ill health retirement but that only gives me £350 a month. I can't afford a carer.
Please, any advice is welcome


Member since
June 2019

15 posts

Posted Tue June 9, 2020 11:53pmReport post

Hi Lis

Sorry you are in this situation, I know only too well how scary it feels.

Has your husband got a solicitor? If not, I really would advise him to get one, if your on a low income you can get legal aid. the magistrate will mores than likely send to crown court, due to the category of images and their limited sentencing powers. My partner's solicitor explained this is actually better as judges have much more experience and options open to them.

My partner had just under 30 images in all 3 categories and received a 2year community order, 2 month curfew and rehabilitation days. His solicitor explained that these days it is less about the number of images as internet speeds mean it is possible to download a large number of pictures etc at a time.

When he attended crown court he pleaded guilty and his case was adjourned for a pre sentence report from a probation officer. My partner's report was really positive, the person who did the report was impressed that he had started to get help already, he had completed the online work with Lucy faithful, read books and had done the safer life's course, who prepared a report for him at the end for the judge.

The judge in her summing-up used all this and explained that the positive steps he had taken meant she could give the sentence he received.

The probation officer asked my partner about his personal circumstances and any caring roles he had when doing the pre sentence report.

When he was going to magistrate court his solicitor advised him to get there early as cases were called in arrival order, so he got there an hour early, he was first in, back out within 5 minutes . As we were leaving the building the man from the local paper was just arriving so he avoided it going in the paper at that point.

Hope this helps a little, and you get a positive outcome, try and look after yourself



Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Posted Wed June 10, 2020 1:43pmReport post

Thank you Joe for the info. Really helpful


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Posted Wed June 10, 2020 11:37pmReport post

Hi Lis

My son was charged on monday this week, to be honest the officer in charge has been really good with us due to my son 's mental illness, she informed us that the norm is images over 250 to 1000 is what count's, my son's was 36 cat A's and she hinted that this was a good thing and most probably will be courses and volentry work as punishment, hope this helps xxx


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Posted Thu June 11, 2020 7:20amReport post

My partner was convicted for "making" (ie downloading and deleting) around 90 still images. The majority were in B. He did get a 6 month prison sentence (orginally much longer - but that was reduced on appeal). We were expecting a community order or suspended. Indeed that was what probation suggested. His PPU officer once released noted that it was unusal for a prison sentence, and that they usually dealt with this in the community nowadays. At the time, the cases I found in papers mostly listed suspended or community orders.

They have a starting point, and can either increase or decrease a sentence due to aggrevating or mitigating circumstances. But judges do have a lot of leeway. It's the luck of the draw, but may be influences by a good defence.

Your circumstances with needing help will be a good thing to bring up. You can write a character statement mentioning this - which will go before the judge. And as noted above, he should mention to the probabtion officer. I would have thought that would be a strong reason to suspend any sentence. Discuss with his solicitor. I'd also note that if you majority of images are in lower categories, it could be argued that sentencing could be based on one of those categories which could lower the sentence. But that is for his solicitor


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Fri June 12, 2020 8:25amReport post

Hi Lis

I know you have already been given good advice above bit I just want to talk about your care needs. I am a Support worker myself. I just want to tell you to self refer or ask your GP to refer you to your local council social services department for assessment. They can look at any funding available for care and support coming into your home to help you. They can also refer you for someone to do a benefit check and determine what additional financial help you may be entitled to.

Hope that helps xx


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Posted Fri June 12, 2020 1:19pmReport post

Thanks Rainbowgirl80

I have looked into home care etc from the council but first it is not the best thing for me because I need help with different things each day I am unwell. No careers will do cleaning and shopping. I am also very scared of letting people into my house because of COVID and that I have a low immune system due to my cancer treatment. Caters goes into a lot of people ( I have done the job myself when I was younger). They pick up viruses and then they can spread it. I am also very scared of getting COVID because of my reduced lung capacity (I have one small lung due to the scoliosis pressing on it). I have PIP and a low pension so I survive financially even if I have to ask my landlord for a break in paying rent. I know rent build up but it would only be temporary until my husband can go back to work again.


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Fri June 12, 2020 1:51pmReport post

Hi Lis

Aww so sorry to hear about all of your health issues and all of this stress on top!!

I know a Personal Assistant can help with tasks as you describe. My sister is partially sighted and hhas help with this. Maybe after lockdown if you're worried about risk of infection and shielding.

I would ask social services to start the referral now as they take forever!

Also in terms of benefits..if your husband isn't working right now then surely you will be entitled to some housing benefit?? If you go on entitled and put in all your details it will do a calculation. Not sure what area you're in but possibly Universal credit?

Hope that helps xx