Family and Friends Forum

protection against stepfather

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Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Hi, I'm just looking for some guidance as no one seems to be able to give me a concrete answer to this. My husband was arrested for DV and while he was being questioned, I discovered indecent MP4 titles on his laptop - two of which included the exact age of my daughter. I have two young girls and three included the word 'stepdad' or 'dad' - they were interviewed and thankfully everyone is confident nothing has happened. I believe I would KNOW. But im an anxious wreck thinking of what could have been. I'd known him as friends for many years but we were only recently married after a whirlwind and he had only recently moved in with us. My case to keep him away from us is based solely on what happened to me, but the glaring hole here seems to be that SS have said I'm safeguarding them to their satisfaction, but no one is jumping up and down to protect my girls and prevent him from entering the home, seemingly because he isn't their biological father.

any advice here on what I should be asking for I will follow, because as I understand it, the forensic examination of his laptops, hard drive and phone may take up to a year!

Thank you so much!

Posted Thu June 11, 2020 4:26amReport post

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