Family and Friends Forum

What to expect?

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Member since
January 2020

20 posts

Posted Thu June 11, 2020 8:28pmReport post


My husband accepted a caution 3 weeks ago and is on the SOR for 2 years - we dont live together and although 11 months have passed, I still can't take in what he's done. He was visted by the Police Protection Unit last week and mentioned that he sees me and my 14yo son (I also have a 19 yo son). My husband is their step dad.

The Protection team then called SS then they've rang me saying they thought we didn't see him as that's what they have on some notes from October 2019. I explained that life changes and we do see him but he's never left unsupervised. The upshot is they've booked a phone assessment tomorrow - I am sat here wondering if SS will make me choose and I will choose my children.

Anyone else been through similar? It's all such hard work.

Love and light and virtual hugs to all of you x


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Thu June 11, 2020 11:57pmReport post

Hi it's early days for me and social services haven't even completed their assessment to start supervised contact with their dad.

I am no expert but I wouldn't worry too much. They just need to ensure that you are keeping your son safe and no unsupervised contact etc which you clearly are. Check out the parents protect website I was told by the helpline to look at. They have copies of safety plans etc which social services use ..good luck xx


Member since
February 2020

68 posts

Posted Fri June 12, 2020 12:19amReport post

Hi flower123

Sorry to hear that Ss is getting involved in your life. I am dealing with them from last 16 months. SS will try there best to make you choose b/w your partner and children but they can't force you to do tjat. Whether you want to be with your partner or leave him it is all upto you. If you make this clear to SS about contact with your partner than they will be forced to work with you as a family. I think advice in above post is good to go through parent protect website and show SS that you are a protective parent.


Member since
January 2020

20 posts

Posted Fri June 12, 2020 1:29pmReport post

Thank you for replying x

I've had the phone assessment and she wants to speak to both Dad and Step Dad........she said her preliminary thoughts were I was 100% free to carry on seeing my husband as it's none of anyone's business but she couldn't see any reason for him to be round at our house where he would also see my sons.......she said she felt it served no purpose........I pointed out ordinarily lots of people come in my house and they serve no purpose to a 14 yo playing xbox.........

She said if I wanted to be fully reconciled and husband return to live here there would be various regular ongoing assessments in place which I don't want......

Feeling backed into a corner and like it's some type of horrible judgement day.