Family and Friends Forum

Ghost hunter 23

Member since
June 2020

34 posts

Posted Mon June 15, 2020 11:17amReport post

Hi I'm new to this and I know every case is different but what sentance did your partners get for category C and B, no distribution.



Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon June 15, 2020 5:24pmReport post

Hi Ghost...

I agree with everything lee has stated... However I just want to add some caution... The CPS guidelines clearly state that the starting point for a class B image is 6 months to 18 months in prison. This could be suspended and normally is if the amount is small in number. Also any images classed as moving... are dealt with more seriously.

A class B image is comparable to A image accept their is no penetrative acts.

Finally community orders can also be given instead of a prison sentence... All are discloseable if asked for by employers and will show up on any criminal record check.

Best wishes


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon June 15, 2020 5:29pmReport post

Forgot to add... My partner had 2A, 2B and 1C. He was sentenced to 12 months in prison suspended for 2 years. Finally their are civilian orders which will be attached... They are SHPO... for 10 years and Sex Registration also for 10 year's.


Member since
March 2019

268 posts

Posted Mon June 15, 2020 7:25pmReport post

Hi, sorry that you are in this situation but glad you have found the forum.

Everywhere is different. Each region has it's own recommended sentence and even that varies from what judge is there on the day. My husband had 2000 images throughout categories and received 6 months in prison, serving 3 months, a fine, 3 years community payback and indefinite registration.

Jane c

Member since
June 2020

33 posts

Posted Tue June 16, 2020 7:43pmReport post

Hi Ghost

My partner is currently doing 10 months for breaching his orders although he stopped the conversation as soon as he was told the age and it wasn't sexual it still breached his orders he was given a suspended sentence last year for talking sexually to what he believed was an underage girl the judge said that although he stopped the conversation it was class b2 deliberate breach he could of been given anything up to 3 years for