Family and Friends Forum

Offender changing name?

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Member since
February 2020

3 posts

So, we're maybe fourteen months post knock, and my partner got a call last week telling him they'd worked out the charges and would be delivering them in the next few weeks.

He's been speaking to his therapist and solicitor, and the topic of potentially changing his name has been brought up. I think the main concern is that his surname isn't particularly common, and he lives with his mum who has the same surname, so if anything comes up in the media anyone living near him is likely to know exactly where he lives.

Has anyone else's partner/whoever done this? I'm not convinced, I've seen posts where people said both names might be read out (presumably, especially if he's been charged under one name then changed it?), and it's also going to be something he'll have to explain to his work (he hasn't told them yet), extended family, etc.

Posted Wed June 17, 2020 6:10pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

If he has not been charged then it is likely both names will be used. My husband changed his name post conviction.

Posted Wed June 17, 2020 9:12pmReport post


Member since
June 2019

208 posts


my partner has changed his name, he has a very distinctive German name. He is still waiting for the charges, he has been Rui for 2 years now!

His solicitor advised he can ask for his former name not to be read out, but it depends on the cps person as to whether they do, they are legally entitled to read out the former name. He said they mostly don't read it out when asked not to.

I do know of someone who changed his name before charges and they didn't read out his former name.
Sorry I know it's not very solid advice, we decided to take the chance and to change my partners name before court, we will see what happens when it does go to court.

wishing you all the best

Mabel xx

Posted Wed June 17, 2020 10:07pmReport post

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