Family and Friends Forum

Partner on bail, where will he live?

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Member since
June 2020

1 post

Posted Wed June 17, 2020 7:25pmReport post

Hi everyone abit nervous so bare with me. Partner was arrested for possession and distribution last week and bailed. Me and our children have had to leave the family home because he has no where else to live, is there any channels I can go down to get financial support? His bail is up in July and he has already admitted to the charges, Will he be remanded? Is it pointless to stress to rehouse him until after bail is answered? Thank you in advance for any help or advice


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Wed June 17, 2020 7:49pmReport post

Hi, I can't believe the police didn't help with this prior to release!! Thankfully my husband had his parents to go to.

Have social services said you's cannot live there together? If so your husband has to get in touch with your local council housing options team who will have a duty to provide advice and possible assistance for him to be rehoused. This could include a hostel or shared housing. I'm sure their preference would be to rehouse him and not you and the kids.

Hope that helps x

Ghost hunter 23

Member since
June 2020

34 posts

Posted Thu June 18, 2020 9:50amReport post

I've had same problem. I found him a bedsit that didn't ask too many questions and he gets universal credit to pay for it while I get my own benefits and stay in my home with my kids. Don't move yourself for him, you need to make sure the kids are safe and not interrupted too much by the situation.


Member since
April 2020

149 posts

Posted Thu June 18, 2020 11:48amReport post

My husband had to stay in a hotel for a few weeks when he was bailed (which wasn't sustainable long term because of the cost) The police asked me to move out with the children and I refused.

As we were in the middle of lockdown and it was tricky to find somewhere for him to live, he moved in with a relative. As I suspect he won't be able to live at home again for a very long time I'm not sure what will happen in the long term as we aren't in a financial situation where we can afford two properties.


Member since
August 2019

19 posts

Posted Thu June 18, 2020 11:21pmReport post

There is no help I'm afraid. Hostels and homeless shelters are reluctant to help and the police have no duty of care. We had to pay for hotels, for months, which was awful. Homeless a few nights, sleeping in the car. It's not fair, they are just left to fend for themselves.