Family and Friends Forum

Missing him so much

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Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Fri June 19, 2020 11:40amReport post

Hi Girls,

Almost a month post knock.... internet images offence.. been through every emotion going.... shock, anger, upset, hurt, confusion....

My husband has been my rock throughout many tragedies and my mental health, little did I know how much he was suffering with his mental health too...which he says led him down this dark and horrific path!

I've tried to do as my family want and get myself over him, after 20 odd years that isn't even an option. He is so full of remorse, regret, is doing everything he can to make amends and understand himself...finally open up those suppressed emotions...I am proud of him for that. We have reconneced on such an emotional level... something I didn't even realise had slipped away as he withdrew from me....the guilt and shame building up in his conscience I think.

I have saw him 4 times since it happened. I am at home with the kids and awaiting supervised contact to be approved which hopefully should be early next week.

I love him so so much and want him, want us! I feel like I am dying inside without him. We speak often but it's just not the same. I miss his touch, his cuddles, his kisses. It feels like we have gone from having a marriage to a long distance relationship! I don't know I can cope with this.

When can we ever think about living together again?? No court date as yet and looking like next year now. How can I cope with this??? I'm heart broken without him xxxx


Member since
August 2019

90 posts

Posted Fri June 19, 2020 8:41pmReport post


I am sorry you are in this situation and coming to terms with everything is so tough. Potentially he may be allowed back hone but that does depend on the ages of the children and also you will be under intense scrutiny as to whether you are a protective parents. Standing by your husband is not looked upon very favourably but don't let that put you off.

i had 2 months when my husband was made to leave the home and it was so hard!
Be gentle with yourself

Cornish Tea xx


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Sat June 20, 2020 12:31pmReport post

Hi Cornish tea

Thank you for your reply n love the name.

I know it is just so so tough!! I am still shocked, sad, angry but also still very much love him and miss him every second of every day!!

O am also terrified of it getting into the media and everyone knowing when it goes to court. I am looking at whether I need to sell the house which will mean dragging our poor kids out of their schools and more upheaval for them!! It's such an absolute mess!!

How far through all of this are you? Are you still together then? I never imagined I wouldn't grow old with my husband and I still can't! I am truly broken xxx