Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2020

2 posts

Hi my husband has been arrested and under investigation for potential inappropriate touching of his step daughter but I saw and heard nothing neither did her sisters, she does lie a lot an I'm finding it hard to believe! SS will not allow face to face visits at a different home with 3 additional adults supervising, bail conditions state no unsupervised contact with a child under 16 and they just keep changing what they say. I'm frustrated as my children (his birth children) are emotionally a mess and one keeps trying to hurt themselves.
How can I 5 weeks down the line try to resolve this?

Posted Fri June 19, 2020 9:01pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

I personally have not experienced your situation but since it sounds like your partner is under investigation I believe it is best to obide by the terms given since in these cases people are treated guilty until proven innocent.... But ofc you should be able to liaise with SS to see if the circumstances can be adapted in the mean time while the police do their full investigation.

I highly recommend ringing the Lucy faithful hotline (it is busy atm but worth the wait to chat). They should be able to give a professional view and advice. They can also explain what to typically expect and the support available to you and your children.

Sending hugs

Posted Sat June 20, 2020 9:43amReport post

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