Family and Friends Forum

concerns with future - SOR

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Member since
December 2019

12 posts

Its been a while since i last posted on here. Brief recap we had a the knock on the door last November, and child put straight on CPP as child is non verbal, and we were all residing in the family home. 8 months on my child and I now live in our place, and we have now been drop to a CIN. My child still has supervised visits with his father once a week. Have recently been advised all devices are back from forensic, and they will be charging my husband in the next few month. My SW has now brought up the topic of the Sex offenders Register, which is something i hadn't really thought about, but i am now very concerned with how this could effect my childs life. Especially since he will be of school age when my husband is on this list(for 5 Years). I have been advised i will need to let his nursery know and also school when he begins, but i dont want this to effect his years of schooling in anyway. I mean i don't want him not to be accepted at a school because of his father etc.

Can anyone share , or give any advice on this matter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted Sun June 21, 2020 9:13pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

12 posts

Thanks for the reply Lee1969, its nice to know how others get on and can bring some light through the clouds which are currently in my life. Glad to hear school has been a source of support, minus a few gossips.

Posted Mon June 22, 2020 2:45pmReport post


Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Yes I agree with Lee "Nurseries and schools cant refuse places because their dad is on sor so you dont need to worry about that but you will need to disclose it as they will not be allowed to drop off or pick up at school or nursery xx"

Posted Fri June 26, 2020 11:18amReport post

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