Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Posted Wed June 24, 2020 8:45pmReport post

I hope it's ok to post. My ex boyfriend of 5 years, who lived with me and my children for 15 months, I finished with him in 2017 - out of the blue I saw that he'd been sentenced to two years in prison for downloading child porn. I read it in the newspaper online. To say that my world collapsed - I just spun out for over a week and didn't eat and having huge panic attacks. Two weeks later and I am calmer but it consumes all my thoughts. I have so many questions and no one to ask. And would I get an answer that would be satisfactory to me anyway? I feel like going to ask his mum. I think about going to prison to ask his girlfriend - who I had no idea about - who was also found guilty. I wonder how his ex-wife is coping. I wonder about his sister. But as he was my ex, perhaps they all knew there was a trial coming up - they must have done. And I just read it in the news. It is such a massive massive shock. I feel like someone is going to knock on my door and say - you put your children at risk and you are a terrible mother, you can't have your children, you must have known. How did I not know? Did I miss signs? Five years is a long time to be in a relationship and not know. You just would never have guessed it of him. I just can't believe it. The offences occurred just after I finished with him, so he must have even being unfaithful with the new girlfriend at the end of our relationship. I have so many questions. I am hanging on to the fact that after long conversations with my kids that they were as shocked as me and reassure me that they are unaffected - directly anyway. All those long hours at work, was he looking at porn? When he sat on the sofa staring into distance looking sad, with tears running down his face - and I thought he was depressed - and trying to help him - was this the secret he was keeping that he couldn't tell me. He told me - there's something wrong with me - and I thought he was low in confidence and looking for reassurance. Was he trying to tell me that he was downloading child porn? If I can't ask him, how can I ever get answers and how can I move on with so many questions? Can anyone relate to this?


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Thu June 25, 2020 6:57pmReport post

Hi, sorry to hear about your ex.

I am still getting my head around finding out about my husbands offence.

Speaking to lots of the women on here, their husbands like mine were in very dark places and not coping with their mental health. You should call the stop it now helpline for some support. They've helped me so many times. They have so much experience and knowledge of these offences and the reasons behind.

You could also reach out to his family? They may appreciate it.

Take care of yourself xxx


Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Posted Fri June 26, 2020 1:29pmReport post

Thank you for replying. Do I just sound really awful and judgmental? I switch between feeling sad for him to being in bewilderment and then anger for putting me in this position. And guilt. And shame. I want to tell everyone - but I can't tell anyone. I will call the helpline. Thank you x


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Fri June 26, 2020 4:23pmReport post

Oh my god no you definitely don't!!!!

Its absolutely normal to feel an array of emotions... I do n so does every woman on here!!

Call the helpline it will really help you xx

Jane c

Member since
June 2020

33 posts

Posted Fri June 26, 2020 4:51pmReport post

Even after a year after my partner of 15 years was stung by vigilante for talking to what he believed was a underage girl I still feel a mix of emotions and have loads of questions it extremely normal to feel that way it's not your fault you didn't notice if he was doing it when you were together I had no idea

Try writing down any questions you would like to know to get them out your head and so you remember them if you ever get the chance to ask him another lady give me this advice a couple of days ago and it does work to help stop the constant swirl of questions with no answers I've also start a diary writing down my feelings and emotions this seems to help too xx

Edited Fri June 26, 2020 4:51pm


Member since
June 2020

3 posts

Posted Sun June 28, 2020 12:37pmReport post

Thank you for both replying. It means a lot xxx thank you xxx I tried the helpline but it was busy. I will try again.