Family and Friends Forum

Police home visits

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Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Thu June 25, 2020 9:30pmReport post

Hi all. It might have been already covered in the forum but I thought to restart a thread about police home visits to help out those who may be curious about them and to share experiences.

My partner is in the process of asking for visitation rights to his two kids and as part of that his assign police officer has been asked by cafcass for their summary of his progress and any concerns.

So today we got a few hours notice she was popping over which is fine since we are working from home. She hasn't visited where we live since he was sentenced in aug and I think the last device review was early this year.

Before the visit my partner had a general chat about how life is. She asked about our sex life which can be awkward to discuss but nessesary in our case. She then looked at all the online history since he last check and the photos stored on my partners phone. I'm not too shy so yes she has seen photos for me that would normally be for my partner's eyes only. Tho I'm aware she has to see them at some point.

Overall we have had a positive experience with the police contact. And is a helpful source of info when it comes to possible issues we may face such as travel. We do not rely on her too much but always co operative.

Please feel free to ask questions on home visits or share your experiences.