Family and Friends Forum

Finally at the end

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Member since
December 2018

4 posts

Posted Sun June 28, 2020 5:41pmReport post

So my partner (ex partner now ) was taking into custody November 2019 suspected of having child porn on his computer and phone. Between then and now I've had all the same stuff as everyone with social services being involved, I have a very good experience with them, I for they was very good. They let him stay at home under my supervision for over a year. First court case was January 2020 where he pleaded guilty, which was a surprise to me as the always told me it was not true. Second court was February 2020 where he got 3 years suspended sentence for 12 cat As 54 cat Bs 100+ cat Cs and on the register for 5 years, he's still aloud unsupervised with are 14 year old which I'm not 100% comfortable with. I told him as far as I'm concerned that's the end of are 18 year relationships and he agrees, had told hold off on moving out because of the virus but he was going to let me stay in the home we have bin in for 14 years until we can both pay off any debts and start a fresh, but unfortunately his lovely mum has taken everything out on me and decided to sell the house blaming me for everything ????.

like the rest of you this has all bine very stressful and confusing but it dose get better and even no his mum is trying to make me homeless I can't wait to start my new life x