Family and Friends Forum

Teacher or Work with children?

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Member since
June 2020

15 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 12:15pmReport post

Hi all

My partner of 3.5 years was arrested almost 3 years ago for downloading and sharing. He was extremely honest and remorseful, he went to councilling and has tried his best to pick up the pieces. It happened before we even met and I know he will never reoffend.

On Tuesday he got 2 years probation and community service. However on Sunday it hit the paper is now online. The paper has made it out to much worse as there was some extreme found on his computer but he swears he didn't view it but it must have downloaded with other files. I spoke to his solicitor and she says that she is confident he didn't seek these images/videos out. He has lost his job and really doesn't feel safe and has moved in with his mum temporarly.

I am a teacher and just don't know how I can continue on with my job while living and supporting him. He is the kindest, most gentle and loving person. I trust him and know he would never do it again. Anyone else work with children? How did you address your work place and colleagues?

Sorry for rambling, but I just feel so lost and broken.


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 4:35pmReport post

Hi sweetie, I am an ex teacher ( left before this happen ) it does depend on what years you teach. If under 8 then you will have to leave. If not then they cannot really do anything as guilty by association has ended. You could ask your union( I would not use the school rep and make sure its confidentiality)Have you told any one .


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 4:35pmReport post

Can i just add , I have been out of teaching for a few years so would check what u have said. Hugs xx


Member since
June 2020

15 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 7:42pmReport post

Thank you for your replies ladies.

I teach primary school children.

My partner would never visit my school but my colleagues are aware because it was in the newspapers and they are sending me messages of support. Management in my work knew already and have been supportive but all assume I have left him.

I really don't want any parents of the children I teach to know because I am sure it would make them uncomfortable.

I love my job and I have worked so hard to be in the position I am in and just can't imagine leaving.


Member since
June 2020

15 posts

Posted Tue June 30, 2020 9:39amReport post

Thank you so much for all your advice ladies. SLT have been amazing as they have known from the off. Principal says aslong as I come in and do my job, it's nobody's business outside of work. However, my work has a rather large staff (almost 70), and I know the gossip will be spreading like wild fire and I just don't know how to cope. I go from thinking "F them" to thinking I won't be able to face parents/colleagues.

My boyfriend has moved in with his mum, and when we are apart I am wondering if staying with him is worth it. Yet, when I see him I am reminded of what a kind, funny and caring person he is. He is broken too and I want to support him.

Such a roller coaster of emotions