Family and Friends Forum

Feeling lost

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Member since
June 2020

1 post

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 8:23pmReport post

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Edited Sun July 26, 2020 9:44am


Member since
January 2020

21 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 10:02pmReport post

When everything kicked off for me, a close friend said "you are in the middle of an earthquake, wait until the ground stops moving before you decide what to do."

Take your time. One minute, hour or day at a time.


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Mon June 29, 2020 10:15pmReport post

Mand, I am so sorry that you have joined us here. My husband was trapped by vigilantes too and live-streamed. Fortunately not at our home, but the kindly public joined the dots and posted my address, and announced that I had moved out! So I was left alone by the people that believe everything that they read on social media. I was informed about husbands arrest and vigilante involvement, some hours later, by the police when they arrived with a search warrant. That day will live with me forever. I would never have believed it of my kind loving husband.

All I can say, from my own experience, is look after you and your child first and foremost. Make no quick decisions on anything. I am 11 months in, and am still in my home, and feel safe there as husband left straight away. I doubt he will ever return. But I am not able to make a decision yet as to what I should do in the future. Neighbours have been very supportive, they know and accept everything and have been my lifeline. That means so much to me. This forum is a lifesaver, I spent hours reading every post, I've also read books and trawled the internet and phoned the helpline, and appointed and talked to a therapist. Knowledge is everything to me. I'm getting stronger by the day, but, my god, it's so very hard. There are some amazingly inspirational ladies on here. Always ready to listen and to offer help and advise, but no judgment, which is what we all need. Just keep going. Big virtual hug! x

Edited Mon June 29, 2020 10:19pm