Family and Friends Forum

Feeling conflicted and talking to family.

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Member since
July 2020

2 posts

Posted Mon July 6, 2020 11:07pmReport post


My father was arrested and went through court procedings for iioc offenses a couple of years ago. I supported him and my mother through this time (they are still together), but am now starting to find the knowledge of his actions very difficult as I did at the time. I suspect I was in survival mode, and just wanted everyone to be alive and well.

I love my father, but have been struggling with the thought of how this has and will effect mine and my siblings lives in the years to come. I want to talk to my mother about this, and also check how she is, but do not want to upset her as she has been through so much.

Some advice would be nice, but more importantly I wanted to speak to people that understand.


Member since
September 2018

24 posts

Posted Tue July 7, 2020 7:13pmReport post

Dear pumpkinpie, you are being very strong in a hideous situation. My daughter was 16 when my husband was arrested and it hit her very hard. Though I think she no longer hates him she has never forgiven him.

I wonder whether the Lucy Faithfull Inform course would help you? it's for families of offenders, to help them understand how their loved ones can do these things, and I found it very useful.


Member since
July 2020

2 posts

Posted Wed July 8, 2020 6:54pmReport post

Hi Jess,

Thanks for the response, I will take a look at the course. I am glad you found it useful and sure I will too.