Family and Friends Forum


Member since
July 2020

31 posts

Posted Thu July 9, 2020 3:03pmReport post


Has anyone had any experience with LADO.

We got the dreaded knock last week and as both me and my daughter work with children in nurseries, I discolsed this and asked do we need to tell them. The police assured me no, we were not implemented. I checked with social services and was also told the same.

However, yesterday, a lady from LADO contacted my daughters employer and told them the charges and that this would impact the reputation of the setting. My daughter was distraught as she wanted to be the one to explain it if necessary. They also made out it was worse than what it was - at the moment the police have found one cat 3 picture (still massively wrong I know). However my husband has said there will be more pictures on his phone and some could be higher categorys and has been honest and I think finially admitted he has a problem. He knows the only way forward is complete honesty and I do believe him.

I have since spoke to someone from LADO and she told me that my daughters setting had a right to know as my daughter could be at risk and we could have been groomed or anything. She also said as we live in the same community he could have access to the children through community ties. He has never been anywhere near the setting and we are not part of any community projects etc. She also told me that the chances are my husband is lying and i need to make some decisions as the next two months are going to be so hard for me and my daughter.

Again, my husband hasnt even been charged with anything yet.

Is this normal behaviour from them as I am now worried if more pictures are found my daugher will be implimented more by LADO. They have such a position of power and it is very scary.

Thank you


Member since
November 2019

13 posts

Posted Fri July 10, 2020 2:49pmReport post

I do not know where you live but I do know that if there are concerns about a member of your household or a person closely associated with you LADO will be informed and have a duty to decide whether the issue is considered serious and urgent enough to warrant telling your employer about it. They may inform without telling you first if they think there is an imminent threat to the safety of the children you work with, even before any sentencing happens. They may also inform if they think there is a likelihood of historical contact / abuse with the children that you work with.

It is all awful and I hope you and your daughter are able to deal with this without any blowback to you.

I know in my case there has been a number of "she must have known" allegations made about me, and a few people were asking if I was doing it too, and some "poor girl, he must have done things with her when se was young". My sister is a teacher but luckily has been informed that because she hasn't lived in the same country as my dad for over a decade it hasn't been deemed a concern for her or her employer.