Family and Friends Forum

Breach of Sexual risk order???

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Member since
July 2020

3 posts

Has anyone experience of someone breaching a sexual risk order, apparently it's a civil order that can be given to someone who hasn't been cautioned or convicted but the police believe may pose a risk.

I think this is what my son was given last year with notifications around technology...

He went to the police last month and effectively handed himself in (after not doing anything online all year until the lock down) he couldn't cope or live with himself anymore, wanted help and didn't know where to turn.

Breach of this order seems to carry more sentencing weight than for downloading images and could get upto 5 years imprisonment for that alone! Which is likely to be more than he would have got had they charged him last year for downloading/viewing indecent images.

Since realising this is what he's actually been charged with I'm even more distrught, he was remanded in Prison and it seems he's in with the general prison population, who know what he's in for. I'm so desperately worried and have no idea what will happen to him. He said himself he won't survive if he stays where he is

Posted Thu July 9, 2020 5:50pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

sorry to hear hwhat has happened to you. I know how you feel as I am a mother who's son is currently in prison. I'm in Scotland so if your in england things could be different.

here in Scotland breach of a shopo or sro is taken quite serious. Most people here do get remanded as soon as it has come to light that they've breached it. The same applies to breaching the rules of the sex offender register here.

as far as your son in prison goes. Here they are very over crowded on the protection/vulnerable wings. Some prisisoners where my son is had to be moved to he mainstream hall but they do not mix with the mainstream. They are kept in their cell twenty three hours every day and get out for exercise for an hour while the main stream are locked up.

here it is the prisoners right to ask to be moved to the protection wing. If that's full they then have the right to demand that they get kept locked in their cell rather than have their door open. This way the mainstream cannotget at them. Your son should immediately complain and ask to be moved or kept locked in his cell. If this fails you as his mother can go through the family liaison officer to ask why your son is mixing with mainstream prisoners. If their response is just fobbing you off you can then start an official complaint to have him moved. It works sometimes and not others.
one thing I will say is, don't expect anything to happen fast in prison because that just does not happen. Not here in Scotland anyway.
we were and are lucky that our son got put on the protection wing on day one and has stayed there ever since.

i really hope you get it sorted soon as I know how worrying it is for you as his mother. I cant say it's every mothers worst nightmare because obviously worse could have happened but it's not far of the worst nightmare.

i would also say that I had all kinds of terrible thoughts go through my mind about my son in prison but most things you hear are just scare mongering. There has been little violence on my sons hall. He has enough to eat. He can call us daily and he's not been physically harmed which i class as a bonus. My frustration with the prison service is the time it takes them to do anything or the mistakes they make when your handing propertyin before the virus. Half the time they are to lazy to bring the forms from hall to reception which means you end up going home with the property because if the form is not at reception they can't accept the goods! The other thing that annoys me is the favourites, officers have their favourites and they get four visits a week where the non favourites get two. This really, really annoys me.
please do try not to worry to much. I know that's easier said than done but it will honesty all come right. It will just take time as per usual with the prison service x

Posted Thu July 9, 2020 7:32pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

3 posts

Thanks Nicenana x its truly awful, I'm making myself ill with the stress of it all, I have just been hit with it all, so I know like everything else that happens in life it will settle down.

Talked to him for the first time on Tuesday, he said that he doesn't dare go outside for exercise as the other inmates aren't always searched. I've phoned the safercustody and left a message, I'm told they then check on him. It just seems crazy, he was told he was remanded because he tried to commit suicide before going to the police and therefore vulnerable but then they put him a place thats just as dangerous for his mental health. I'm in England but I don't really know anything about how it all works but I'm sure I'll be getting a crash course now.

Just found out who his solicitors are and been waiting for them to call me back, like for everyone else on here it seems, the waiting is agony. They are the duty solicitors that were on when he was arrested. I phoned another one today thinking I'd better try sort one out for him but they told me that there was no point them getting involved at this stage as he was due for sentencing on Tuesday. He was told the magistrates would decide if he would be sentenced there or if it will go to crown. Seems the wheels move much quicker for breaking an order than for the other offences.

I'll try and find out if he was offered a cell on the vulnerable wing...could be he refused. He was thinking he wouldn't be there long but the 14 day quantine has slowed things up.

I did phone the stop it now helpline this morning and the lady I spoke to was brilliant and it helped talking about it to someone completely non judgemental and knowledgeable about these things. I'm so glad I found this website and forum as reading everyone's stories helps to realise I'm not alone. So thank you for replying Nicenana, I hope things work out for your son too x

Posted Thu July 9, 2020 8:46pmReport post

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