Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

I am freaking out!

We were told by our solicitor that devices were back and decision would be soon only to find out last week after they asked for my passwords (for my phone and laptop) that they only sent off one device and are just looking through the others themselves. Within a day they said they looked at both and happy for me to pick it up.

I thought we were near the end now i am freaking out as I am petrified it is going to go to court even though solcitor believes it will just go to the DI and not CPS and there is only ONE conversation ever.

I am not sleeping at night because I am 20 weeks pregnant and we have an 8 year old and I am worried what social services will do if he is cautioned and SOR. He lives at home, stays overnight just no unsupervised contact with our darling son. And I am freaking out they will change everything even though there is no other evidence than the stuff they already know.

Someone please tell me its all going to be OK. I am so stressed and scared!

Posted Wed July 15, 2020 9:32amReport post


Member since
December 2019

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My heart goes out to you so much. I find it interesting that here we are nearly a moth after your post and no-one has replied. I very rarely use the forum so maybe others too were unaware of your post?

I am in no position to offer either advice or insight as I too struggle to get proper reliable information. It seems to me that if we as family members don't do everything "by the book" we risk being assessed as unreliable. The troble is that no one is letting us see that "book".

Going through this steep learning curve is one of the most painful things I have ever had to endure. I don't believe it needs to be so heartless and cruel and ineffective. One day, if I survive this sadness, I swear I will work with LF and others to make sure more information is given to family members AS SOON AS their loved one is arrested / charged / or even suspected. We need to know MORE.

As a Grannie I have been accused of making significant errors of judgement in not fully protecting children who come to my house (where my offending son lives with me). But I have always done everything I was told. Sadly I wasn't told enough. Despite asking SS for advice . . .!

Have you used the Lucy Faithfull helpline? I strongly suggest that you should. I have confidence that if they are not able to advise you themselves then they will direct you to the right place.

I hope and pray that matters work out for you and your family.

Keep your chin up. You are so far from being alone

Posted Wed August 5, 2020 11:14am
Edited by moderator Fri November 13, 2020 7:38pmReport post

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