Family and Friends Forum

Change in bail and SS

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Member since
April 2020

22 posts

so hubby has had confirmation his pre charge bail is extended till mid January. Good news is he can be at home when the kids are not here and at their dads. Thing is his original bail said social care needed to agree any contact so when my daughter asked if we could start the process so she could speak to and see step dad I rand social care about it. They didn't even ring me and responded with a letter saying they wont do a risk assessment until the invrstigation is done.

That was decided by social care on Monday but then on Wednesday hubby's bail conditions were changed around contact saying he can have supervised contact with the girls but cant stay over. Yet social care have said it will go to CP if they find out contact is happening.

I'll be ringing them Monday to queries this given that this decision is based on the assessment they did 3 months ago, my daughter now wants contact and the Police do not see an issue based on their evidence so far. The problem is I work for childrens services, im not a social worker but I am pretty sure if they open my kuds to CP this will have repercussions at work. How can I be seen to protect children through my work if its deemed I cant protect my own children? So what do I do? The lack of contact is having a lasting impact on the family relationships and all contact would be suoervised but he has already lost his job and we can't afford for me to lose mine too.

Do I need to be looking for a solicitor if they are going to make decisions without talking to me or the police?

So frustrated!

Posted Sat July 25, 2020 9:09pmReport post

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