Family and Friends Forum

Worried, stressed and need advice

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Girlfriend and mom

Member since
July 2020

15 posts

Posted Tue July 28, 2020 10:52pmReport post

I was wondering if fathers are ever allowed back home and if yes how long it has taken? It has only been a 4 months but my daughter wants to know if Dad can ever come home? Social services at the moment are not allowing any access and my partner and me and my Daughter are distraught being apart. I'm currently undertaking the risk assessment and I'm nearly at the end. My partner has demanded he does it too so has just started and also he wants a parenting assesment done. Ss are the ones causing the stress I've been nothing but honest with them from the start and they seem to be twisting things, making me out to be the bad one. I know my partners done wrong but in my heart I know he would never hurt his daughter he's the best Dad possible and my daughter idolises him and is constantly asking when can I see him. If anything ss are being cruel to my daughter ripping her dad away. I know it's for her safety but surely something should of been put in place by now. I feel like I can't win with them.
my daughter is in the child protection register and we have regular core group meetings and have just had the conference review. But the scores are low so I need advice on how to get the scores up. And what can I mention to make it look better? I'm new to this I've never been through it before I'm learning has I go and everything being twisted is hard.
my partner got charged with 2 indecent images of 13 - 17 year old girls they are not in the most serious category. He got 2 year suspended sentence, £300 fine, a shopo and 5 years on the sor.
Ss firstly told me I'm not splitting you up as a family and now I'm being pressured into ending everything so to be honest I'm lost, confused and heartbroken.
Ive recently found this website and I've been in touch and I'm starting the intense course and my partner wants to do the intense + 1 course. Will this make things better in ss eyes? I'm also awaiting to start counselling sorted out through work as I work for the NHS. They don't no my problems I'm not taking my problems into work. But I asked for it and said I just had various problems at home. Will Ss turn this against me? also how do I write and what do include in a family protection plan? My mom and dad are a great support. My partners having to rent a flat out. I'm just so lost and I just don't no what to do for the best.

Edited Tue July 28, 2020 11:23pm