Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2020

204 posts

Posted Tue August 4, 2020 12:55pmReport post

Hey ladies

Well we are still awaiting my husband being formally charged and a court date.. Following arrest for iioc in May 2020.

Still a little obsessed with the media thing! We are not able to live together right now due to the age of our children but we are spending lots of time together as a family again which is great.

The helpline tell me only about 50% of these cases are reported on. I've also heard other women saying they are going to get letter and write to the cps to request its not reported if they have children...

Just wondering realistically what is your experiences? When this first happened I wanted to sell up and move away... Now that is the last thing I want to have to do!

Thanks in advance xxx


Member since
November 2019

13 posts

Posted Thu August 6, 2020 6:15amReport post

We tried to talk about having a lawyer apply to make sure the details were kept out of the UK press but they said as it was already in the open here, and therefore information was available on the internet, there wasn't much hope of that. However, it is possible to do in some cases so you could talk to a lawyer about a "Prohibition of Press" if you have no joy with the CPS.

Obviously it differs with some cases, my dad's name was supposed to be withheld because it is too unusual, even in the UK let alone where we live, but the police deliberately leaked details of the case to the press even before the case first went to court. The court was closed so they would not have known any details without that leak. The magistrate was really pissed off with the inspector about it but the damage had already been done so if you can I really would try and have the name withheld somehow.

It does sort of go away after a bit as people move on to new things happening so it isn't the complete end of the world if the details do end up in the media. If that happens with you and you're worried or even more upset than you must be just because it has happened we're all here to help but also I recommend calling the helpline because talking can be so much better than reading words on a screen.

Good luck.


Edited Thu August 6, 2020 6:16am