Family and Friends Forum

Kids support

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Member since
November 2018

54 posts

We have this group for support nothing else really. I really wish there were support groups you can attend with your children. They are going through a hugely challenging life changing time. What is tgere for them apart from mayb school an social worker who both take judgement an notes of what they. A group were they can just chill with other kids plays games make things to talk to each other anything would be great. Or to talk to someone that will listen not judge xx

Posted Sun December 30, 2018 12:35am
Edited by moderator Wed February 6, 2019 11:13amReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Sadly even for us its hard to find somewhere to talk without judgement so its even harder for kids. Mine are young so have no idea what going on. Like you say they have school and social worker but nothing else. If they are older i guess you could pay for a councellor but thats not the same as a support group.

Posted Sun December 30, 2018 2:25pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

33 posts

Counselling could indeed be the way forward - either through your GP, a local charity or privatley.

The counsellor I see, as well as treating adults, uses play therapy for children. They can go on their own or with siblings and sit with her to do painting, arts and crafts, colouring in etc. It helps them to relax and have fun in a safe space. If the counsellor chats about what they did during the week, the children can reply honestly (like about seeing a social worker or visiting daddy in prison). Some of the kids prefer to express how they feel in their drawings instead.


Posted Mon December 31, 2018 5:53pmReport post

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